war bond───n.战争债券
pair bonds───对键
war zones───战区(尤指公海上);交战地带
war bonnets───印第安战帽
ward rounds───查房;病室巡诊
baby bonds───小面额债券(票面百元以下)
bail bonds───[法]保释保证书
flat bonds───平头债券
war bonnet───印第安战帽
They are linked by post-war history and a mesh of institutional bonds between ministers, officials, soldiers and students.───他们联系在一起的,是战后的历史,以及大臣、官员、军人和学生之间的一系列制度化纽带而结成的网络。
That interesting, if the US depends on the Chinese economy a LITTLE but China holds US bonds worth over US$1 trillion who will GAIN the most if they go to war?───很有趣啊,如果中国只有很小一部分经济依靠美国(感觉这老兄反了),但是中国有超过一万亿的债券,打起仗来谁会得到更多?
Businessmen and rich landowners had put their money in Confederate bonds, now completely worthless. Confederate war debts would never be paid.───商人和富裕的地主把他们的钱都存放在南方邦联的银行里,现在一分钱也不值了。
Those who could bought war bonds; others knitted, sewed, nursed, or lent any other assistance in their power.───那些有能力的人购买战争债券,其他的人编织、缝补衣服,护理伤病人或做其它一切他们力所能及的工作。
I did not expect this film is psychological war department, said soldiers and commanders in war bonds of the issue.───我没料到这是部战争心理片,说的是战争中士兵和指挥官的感情纽带问题。
The others, including James "Doc" Bradley, whose son's book is the basis for the film, are sent home to drum up enthusiasm for war bonds.───其他人则被送回国内帮着推销战争公债,其中包括詹姆•布莱德利医生(James“Doc”Bradley),而本片正是改编自他儿子的小说。
First, the US financed its huge wartime deficits from domestic savings, via the sale of war bonds.───首先,美国是通过发售战争债券,利用国内储蓄为巨额战时赤字融资的。
The people answered by purchasing almost one hundred billion dollars in war bonds.───人们回答了购买战争债券几乎千亿美元。
Many of the ads were directed toward selling war bonds -- direct loans to the government.───大多数这些广告的主要作用是售卖战争债券,其实就是直接借款给美国政府的。
Some of the money was raised in the form of war bonds, and personal savings in general rose enormously.
- ward off
- warping paper
- warm time
- warm tone
- warding shield of cthulhu
- warmth for you
- warm flex
- warm food
- warm places for reading
- warp in me plastic
- warp it up
- wart treatment
- warranty policy
- warily definition
- warring states period
- warning sign
- warbling vireo
- warm family
- warping machine
- warm down list check
- warbling robot