

词汇 walk fast
释义 walk fast
walk fast发音



fade fast───快速褪色

fly fast───飞得快


walk back───向后走;倒转绞盘

walk it───(非正式)轻易取胜;徒步旅行

walk out───走出;罢工;退席;把(某人)领出

walk tall───理直气壮,挺直腰杆;不低三下四


If you start to walk fast you'll soon start to feel nervous.───如果你开始走快点,你很快就会感到紧张。

They walk fast on the pavement.───他们在人行道上快步急走。

I walk fast but I do not run.───我走得很快,但我不跑。

Can your father walk fast enough to catch up with you ?───你爸爸走得够快追上你吗?

If you live in NY, you live as if you are always behind time. You walk fast, you work hard, just to catch up with time.───如果你生活在纽约,你的生活方式就好象你处处都落后于时间,你非得加快脚步,努力工作,仿佛永远也赶不上时间。

My grandpa is all thumbs . He can't walk fast and can even not grasp his own bowl .───我爷爷笨手笨脚的。他走路走不快,甚至连自己的碗都抓不住。

To burn extra fat and calories, try interval training: Walk fast for one block and slow down for the next.───想减肥,就尝试间歇训练:在一个街区走得快而另一个街区走慢。

If you walk fast, you can catch up with the children in front.───如果你走快一点,你就能追赶上在前面的小孩们了。

I had to walk fast to keep up with him.───我必须走得快才能跟上他。


He used a cane and tried to walk fast and his hips bobbed like pistons gone awry.

He has a mincing walk, fast with short steps.

I had to walk fast to keep up with him.

Encumbered by his heavy luggage, he could not walk fast.

Goofy can run fast. Goofy can walk fast. Goofy can jump high.

  • walk alonminsuprene
  • walking stick
  • walking up
  • walked by
  • walk tall
  • walk up and down
  • walking pace
  • walk star
  • walk master
  • walk past
  • walkie talkie
  • walk by
  • walk around
  • walk then
  • walk out without a word
  • walked off
  • walked through
  • walk fast
  • walked down
  • walks swept
  • walking onahole




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