

词汇 trade deficit
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n.贸易逆差; 入超


trade deficits───n.贸易逆差;贸易赤字

cash deficit───[会计]现金亏绌;现金短缺

cut the deficit───削减赤字

budget deficit───[财政]预算赤字

cash deficits───[会计]现金亏绌;现金短缺

in deficit───赤字

trade deal───贸易协议

trade edition───[图情]普通版

trade fair───商品交易会;贸易展销会


America's trade deficit and low interest rates have pressed down the dollar since early 2002.───自2002年初以来,美国的贸易赤字和低利率便使美元受压.

Thegovernment has suspended gold imports bid to reduce the country'sgrowing trade deficit.───越南政府已经暂停黄金进口,以减少该国日渐增大的贸易逆差.

During that period the United States had a 5 million dollar trade deficit in live turkeys.───在这期间,美国出现了5百万美元生火鸡的贸易赤字.

Last year its trade deficit with China reached euro 131 billion ( $ 164 billion ), say EU figures.───欧盟的数字表明,去年它与中国之间的贸易赤字达到1310亿欧元 ( 1640亿美元 ).

To help cut a big trade deficit, nearly 1 m tonnes was exported.───为了有助于减少大的贸易赤字, 近100万吨的小麦都用于了出口.

Exports are dwindling and the trade deficit is swelling.───出口在缩减,贸易赤字在增长。

The trade deficit is the flip side of a rapidly expanding economy.───贸易赤字是经济快速发展带来的负面产物。

The Government insists that the trade deficit is the result primarily of excess demand.───政府坚持认为贸易逆差的主要原因是超额需求.

China has edged towards external balance, even recording a rare trade deficit in March.───中国已经在小步走向外部平衡, 3月份甚至出现了罕见的贸易逆差.

The surcharge may change the composition of America's trade deficit, without necessarily changing its size.───附加税只会改变美国贸易赤字的组成比例, 而不见得能改变其规模.

The trade deficit remains the soft underbelly of the US economy.───贸易赤字仍是美国经济的软肋。

I've never understood why a trade deficit is supposed to make the dollar less valuable.───我从来也不认为贸易赤字和美元贬值有什么关系.

But though the dollar did weaken, America's trade deficit remained a problem.───尽管美元的确出现了贬值, 但美国贸易逆差的问题依然存在.

The Commerce Department reported the US trade deficit narrowed to its lowest level in nine months.───商业部报道了英国在近九个月的外贸赤字,已达到最低水平.

Similarly, a stronger yuan would do little to dent America's trade deficit.───与此类似的是, 更为强劲的(民币)对削减美国的贸易逆差不会起什么作用.

The foreign trade deficit in France has been successfully cut by more than half since 1981.───1981年以来法国将外贸赤字成功地削减了一半以上.

trade deficit is the flip side of a rapidly expanding economy.───贸易逆差是一次经济快速发展带来的负面产物。

He warned the foreign investors may not always be willing to finance the US trade deficit.───他警告说外国投资者未必总是愿意给美国贸易逆差融资.

The US trade deficit widened to $7.59 billion in November.───11月美国的贸易赤字扩大到75.9亿美元。

Their excessive consumption resulted in their US $ 1 trillion annual trade deficit.───他们的过度消费导致其每年的贸易赤字达到1万亿美元.

The US trade deficit grew to just under $30 billion in the third quarter.───美国的贸易逆差在第三季度增加到恰好低于300亿美元的水平。

The trade deficit would narrow, but that would not comfort the electors.───贸易赤字固然会缩小, 但这并不能使选民满意.

Analysed in article abroad the reason that pounds circumstance and trade deficit the industry.───文中分析了海外对行业冲击情况和行业亏损的原因.

High oil prices are increasing the US trade deficit, the report says.───该报告称,高昂的油价使美国贸易赤字日益扩大.

The country's trade deficit is enormous.───国家的贸易逆差极大.

Not coincidentally, the trade deficit with Japan, as share of the economy, has shrunk 66 percent.───不巧的是, 日本的贸易逆差, 以经济 、 缩水了66%.

Since 1993, industry of our country machine tool glides continuously, appear even entire trade deficit.───1993年以来, 我国机床行业连续下滑, 甚至出现全行业亏损.

By 1988, the dollar depreciation had contributed to a falling U.S. trade deficit.───到了1988年, 美元的贬值终于使美国的贸易逆差下降.

Clearly our large trade deficit with Japan was due in part to protectionism.───很明显,我们对日本之所以有巨大的贸易逆差,部分原因是日本的贸易保护主义政策.


The country is running a balance-of-payments/budget/trade deficit of $250 million.

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