

词汇 took in
释义 took in
took in发音



book in───登记;预定

look in───看望;顺道访问

took on───采取

books in───登记;预定

looks in───看望;顺道访问

stood in───定位替身;代演员站位

hook it───逃走

lock in───把……关在里面

look on───观看,旁观;看待


He took in every detail of her appearance.───他仔仔细细打量了她一番。

I took in a large gulp of air.───我吸了一大口气。

Jennie took in a lodger to help with the mortgage.───詹妮招了一名房客来为她分担房屋贷款。

He took in his hand the graduation certificate and classmates laughing and jubilant home.───他手里拿着毕业证书和同学说说笑笑,兴致勃勃的回家了。

spoke at the service, still bearing the bruises of a beating he took in the attack.───他在那次袭击中被毒打,至今淤伤仍未消失。

Even after his eyes were open he took in his surroundings only gradually.───即使在睁开眼睛以后,他也是慢慢地才看清周围的环境的。

The very first action Jesus took in helping Thomas find freedom over his fear was to choose him to be among the Twelve.───耶稣帮助多马脱离恐惧的第一步,就是拣选他成为十二门徒中的一员。

Her love for him gave her patience, for she knew how much pleasure he took in this task.───她对他的爱给了她无限的耐心,因为她知道他可以从这份工作中得到无穷的快乐。

He took in every detail of her appearance .───他仔细打量了她一番。


She took in sewing to supplement her income.

We took in a few musicals in London.

Polly took in a lungful of crisp cool air.

At that time my mother took in paying guests.

I took in a large gulp of air.

The men took in sail when the storm approached.

He took in the scene at a glance.

Tom gratefully took in the comfortable sitting room.

She took in the waist of her dress.

  • took effect
  • took shape
  • took a boat
  • took pictures
  • took park in
  • took us
  • took off running
  • took rempdotcover
  • took after
  • took on
  • took up
  • took root
  • took for
  • took out of
  • took about
  • took out
  • took his place
  • took down




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