

词汇 took after
释义 took after
took after发音



look after───照顾;关心;目送

looks after───照顾;关心;目送

to look after───照顾;看护

looked after───照顾;关心;目送

to ask after───追问

to go after───追求

ask after───探问,问候


On that fateful day Faida was on the same road she always took after working in the peanut fields.───在其遭难的那天,菲达一如往常地走在同一条路上。

During the past half century, the first action an OB took after delivering the fetal head was to perform oronasopharyngeal suctioning, using a bulb or DeLee device.───在过去的半个世纪里,胎头娩出后的产科医生的第一个动作就是用橡皮吸球吸新生儿的口腔鼻咽,以防那儿的分泌物干扰新生儿的初次呼吸。 最近专家们建议停止这一操作。

She took after her mother almost in everything.───她几乎与她母亲一模一样。

She was the one who most took after our mother, I think now.───现在我以为,那时她是最像母亲的那一个。

Methods Recall and summarize the emergent cured measures of seven iatrical organizations took after the outsize fire damp explosion.───方法回顾总结特大瓦斯爆炸后七家医疗单位协同应急救治措施。

Your Dad was a very handsome guy. So I guess you took after your Mom, right?───你父亲很帅。所以我想是你在照顾你母亲吧?

If Alex took after his father he'd be a real handsome guy.───要是亚历克斯长得像他爸爸,他会是个帅小伙。

It means the US Treasury can begin selling part of the stake it took after a $50bn bailout of the carmaker.───这意味着美国财政部在对通用汽车进行500亿美元的救助后,可以开始出售其持有的部分股份。


So she slipped on her magic boots and took after them.

The two boys were like their mother in character, but Louise took after her father.

The police took after the murderer.

A man rushed out of the bank and two men took after him.

The two boys were like their father in character, but Louise took after her mother.

Methods Recall and summarize the emergent cured measures of seven iatrical organizations took after the outsize fire damp explosion.

Helen, Eurydice thought, took after her after all.

  • took effect
  • took shape
  • took a boat
  • took pictures
  • took park in
  • took us
  • took off running
  • took rempdotcover
  • took after
  • took on
  • took up
  • took root
  • took for
  • took out of
  • took about
  • took out
  • took his place
  • took down




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