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词汇 tie up
释义 tie up
tie up发音


(使)停泊; 阻碍; 包起来; 使无空闲


tie ups───占用;包扎;绑好;缚牢;阻碍;密切联系;合伙;停泊

tied up───被占用的(东西等);脱不了身的;忙得不可开交的(人);绑扎了的;有关系的

ties up───占用;包扎;绑好;缚牢;阻碍;密切联系;合伙;停泊

lie up───因病卧床;退休

tee up───v.置(球)于球座上;准备;安排


fire up───生火;煽动

give up───放弃;交出

hike up───飘起


I used tape to tie up the box.───我用带子绑这个盒子.

Kingfisher confirmed that it hopes to tie up a deal within the next two weeks.───翠丰集团证实,它希望在接下来的两周内谈妥一笔交易。

We are hoping to tie up the deal by tomorrow.───我们希望能在明天前达成交易。

We need some rope to tie up the boat with.───我们需要用绳子把船系住。

I figure any moron in the world can generate work for themselves tie up their time.───我认为世界上的任何一个傻瓜都可以投入时间去为他们自己工作.

Let's tie up the loose ends and finish this project!───让我们把这些细枝末节处理掉,结束了这个项目吧.

He stopped for a moment to tie up his shoelace.───他停下来一会去系鞋带.

" Knights of Labour Tie up the Trolley Lines Across the Bridge. "───" 劳动骑士会中断了所有过桥的有轨电车线路. ”

To tie up my bonnie brown hair.───来束起我漂亮的金发.

Tie up the top of the bag so the rubbish doesn't fall out.───把袋子口扎紧,垃圾就不会洒出来了.

Tie up the loose ends of your assignments. Don't wait to be reminded, particularly a Supervisor.───对分配给你的做事做到始终如一, 不要等到别人格外是你的主管来提示你.

We can tie up loose ends on Friday.───我们可以在星期五处理枝节问题.

country will tie up with another country to host this exhibition.───我国将和另外一个国家联合主办这次展览会。

Wait a moment while I tie up my shoes.───等一会儿,我要系鞋带.

We tie up at that large red buoy.───我们把船系在那个红色的大浮筒上.

Shall I tie up your things in a parcel?───我把您的东西包起来,好 吗 ?

A tie up between Scania, MAN and Volkwagen is also often mooted.───斯堪尼亚 、 曼公司和大众公司之间的合伙联营方案也会被经常讨论一番.

Hurry up. Tie up your shoelaces; we are late.───快点, 系上你的鞋带, 我们晚了.

I'm so fat my bathrobe won't tie up!───我胖得连浴衣都系不上.

The police are trying to tie up his escape from prison with the murder.───警察试图把他的越狱与谋杀案联系起来.

When are the two companies going to tie up?───这两家公司什么时候联合?

When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion.───许多蜘蛛网结合在一起就足以将一头猛狮牢牢束缚.

What sell original bulk is vegetable, instead only course tie up sale.───并将原来散装销售的蔬菜, 改为净菜包装销售.


Shall I tie up your things in a parcel?

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