

词汇 best deal
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best team───最佳团队

better deal───更好的交易

beau ideal───十全十美的典型

best bet───最好的办法;最好的措施

best end───最佳结局

best girl───n.心爱的女朋友

best man───男傧相

best men───男傧相

best way───最佳方法


Figuring out which flat - panel TV screen is the best deal and match for you.───来一直是人们娱乐生活的宠儿,你又该如何选择属于你的电视机?

So customers are unlikely to be getting the best deal if they are sold a suite of a bank’s products, something that has been noticed by the regulators.───所以如果顾客购买了一家银行的一组产品,他们不可能得到的是最好的交易,这一点银行监管者早已注意到。

To find the best deal, the application must collect information from several elements.───要找到最好的生意,应用程序必须从几个元素搜集信息。

People should shop around the country to make the best deal.───人们买东西的时候应该在国内多走走看看,以拿到最好的交易.

They dickered for the best deal.───他们为争取作成一桩最理想的交易而讨价还价.

The booklets are the best deal.───套票最合算.

Mr Li comes out smiling, having struck what was probably the best deal he could get.───李泽楷笑盈盈地退出了电讯盈科, 同时对什么才是最划算的交易心里也有了底.

This certainly occurs in divorce proceedings: men and women who are otherwise well adjusted turn vicious to get the best deal for their children.───这也同样出现于离婚的过程中:那些离婚之后的父母不惜一切以求他们的子女能得到最好的待遇。

Brokers scour the market for the best deal.───经纪人搜索着市场,以便寻找最好的交易.


He was wrangling for the best deal he could get and trying to ensure it would not be his last.

They claim they can give us the best deal, but can they back this up with guarantees?

The best deal I can do on the airfares is £870 - this includes a small fee for myself for the administration.

The best deal was an appetizer of a garlicky baked artichoke dip served in a toasted bread boule.

Take time to shop around for the best deal.

We shopped around for the best deal on a new car.

Shop around for the best deal.

Finally, brokers scour the market for the best deal.

But the ways people can best deal with their own stress are as varied as the ways in which they express it.

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