

词汇 beside the question
释义 beside the question
beside the question发音

不切题, 不相干



consider the question───考虑一下这个问题

beg the question───回避问题实质;用未经证实的假定来辩论

dodge the question───回避这个问题

tackle the question───解决问题

duck the question───回避这个问题

out of the question───不可能;不知底细;根本谈不上

pop the question───求婚


Most of what you say is beside the question at issue.───你的话大都无关主题.

That is beside the question.───那是离题了。

What you said may be right, but it is beside the question.───你所说的也许是对的, 但是与本题无关.

The discussion is beside the question.───讨论离题了.

Their discussion is beside the question.───他们讨论离题了。

Her remarks were beside the question.───她的话与这问题不相干.

What he said beside the question.───他说的话与这个问题无关.

you said may be right, but it is beside the question.───你所说的也许是对的,但是与本题无关。

What you say may be true enough, but it is beside the question.───你的话可能是真的, 但与本问题毫不相干.

All this is beside the question.───所有这些都与本题无关.

I once read a book call the call of the wild, but that's beside the question.───我曾读过一本书,叫《野性的呼唤》, 不过这与本题无关.

What you are saying may be true, but in this case it is completely beside the question.───你说的话也许是真的, 但与本题根本不相干.


The discussion is beside the question.

What you are saying may be true, but in this case it is completely beside the question.

Her remarks were beside the question.

My lawyer reminded the judge that the witness's testimony beside the question.

Sentencedict.com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

What he said beside the question.

What you said may be right, but it is beside the question.

All this is beside the question.

Most of what you say is beside the question at issue.

  • beside the question
  • beside oneself
  • besides crossword
  • besides that
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  • besides that dog




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