

词汇 thousands of words
释义 thousands of words
thousands of words发音



House of Lords───(英议会的)上议院

house of cards───不切实际无法实现的计划;筹划不周难以成功的计划

houses of God───教堂


thousands places───数千个地方

Thousand Islands───千岛群岛(北美洲的一个群岛)

a can of worms───大麻烦;棘手的事


Thousands of words welled up in one's heart.───千言万语涌上心头。

Thousands and thousands of words cannot express my sorry!───千言万语都无法表达我的抱歉!

His amazing compositions are made up of words, literally thousands of words!───他迷人的图画真的是用万千单词组成的!

A kiss exceeds thousands of words. A light kiss can represent your care and love for her, so your red lips shouldn't be stinted any more.───一吻胜过千言万语,轻轻的一吻已能代表你惜她、爱护她,所以请不要吝啬你的红唇。

If I were Kongji, I would have kissed her without any hesitation, and said: " As a boy, even thousands of words can't express my feelings. "───如果我是完治,我一定会毫不犹豫地也吻莉香一下,再一本正经地说:“这是我作为一个男孩子,纵然有千言万语也不能表达的。”

and in support of these theories he wrote pamphlets, letters, books . . . thousands upon thousands of words, hundreds and hundreds of pages.───为了证实这些理论,他写小册子、写信、写书……文字成千上万,连篇累牍。

Try values that allow you to type thousands of words in normal usage before printing a cryptographic hash.───先尝试在普通使用场景下键入数千个单词,然后再输出密码散列。

In between are thousands of words for students, business people, homemakers, doctors, truck drivers, retired people. . . everyone!───在这两个极端之间有成千上万的词汇适用于学生,商人,家庭主妇,医生,卡车司机,退休老人---任何人!

Miss in embracing the moment turned into thousands of words.───思念在相拥的瞬间幻化成万千言语。


Already many thousands of words have appeared on the subject - in official reports and other publications.

Lies Thousands of words of lies and not one word of apology from any of them.

The linguists made the first-ever recordings of Koro, capturing thousands of words during their expedition, which began in 2008.

  • thousands numbers
  • thousands of words




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