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词汇 underground
释义 undergroundUK:*'Underground': /ˈʌndəˌgraʊnd/; 'underground': noun, adverb: /ˌʌndəˈgraʊnd/, noun, adjective: /ˈʌndəˌgraʊnd/US:/adv. ˈʌndɚˈgraʊnd; adj., n. -ˌgraʊnd/US:(adv., un′dər ground′; adj., n., v. un′dər ground′)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 underground adv (below ground)地下;在地面下Moles tunnel underground.鼹鼠在地下挖洞。 underground adj (below ground)地下的;地面下的There is a network of underground tunnels below the city.这座城市下有张地下隧道网络。 underground adj figurative (concealed) (形容词)秘密的,不公开的; (副词)秘密地,暗中地The police suspected Glenn of being involved in underground activities.警方认为格伦涉嫌参与秘密活动。 underground, the underground n (London underground trains) (伦敦)地铁Rachel took the underground to Liverpool Street. I always travel by underground when I'm in London; it's the easiest way to get around.雷切尔乘坐地铁前往利物浦街。我在伦敦时,出门总是坐地铁,这是最方便的出行方式。usage: ‘underground’Some speakers of British English also use subway to refer to a British railway system like this, but the London and Glasgow systems are usually called the underground. The London system is also called the tube. He crossed London by underground.You can take the tube to Green Park and then walk. underground n (secret fighters) (政治运动(秘密分子),军事运动(秘密斗士))秘密运动Members of the underground risk severe punishment, even death.地下组织的成员都冒着极大的,甚至是致命的风险。 其他翻译 underground adj (subcultural) (非法发行的报纸)地下的,秘密发行的That journalist writes for an underground paper. underground adv (into hiding) (比喻,指秘密活动)地面下,地下The resistance fighters were driven underground. underground n (subculture, alternative movement)地下组织;地下运动The rebellious teenager wanted to belong to the underground. 复合形式: underground cable n (large pipe running under the earth)地下电缆Electric power is transmitted via underground cables. underground river n (stream running under the earth)地下河流;暗河The underground river flows through caves filled with stalactites and stalagmites.




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