

词汇 the treatment
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heat treatment───[机]热处理

seek treatment───就医

VIP treatment───贵宾待遇




spa treatment───矿泉疗法


He uses hypnosis as part of the treatment.───他用催眠术作为治疗的一部分。

The treatment is painless.───这种治疗无疼痛。

I'm worried about the safety of the treatment.───我担心这种疗法是否安全。

The scientists say they do not know how the treatment would work with patients who have no sensation at all below the injury.───科学家表示,他们不知道如果病人受伤部位以下毫无知觉,这种治疗是否依然会有效。

It has been used in the treatment for prostate cancer, liver cancer, primary malignant osteosarcoma and breast cancer, et al.───目前,该技术主要用于前列腺癌、肝癌、原发性恶性骨肉瘤及乳腺癌等疾病的治疗。

For comparison purposes, there was also a control group that did not receive the treatment.───为了对比,并存有一组不接受刺激的控制组。

He becomes a general with powerful martial accomplishments and seeks revenge for the treatment of his mother.───他长大成了文武双全的将军并决心为母亲的待遇讨回公道。

CONCLUSION: 532 laser photocoagulation for the treatment of central serous chorioretinopathy seems to be safe and effective.───结论:中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变进行532激光治疗是安全有效的。

However, we are beginning to see that the treatment can be just as effective, when the epithelium is left intact.───然而,我们开始认识到在保持上皮完整的情况下,C3-R治疗同样有效。


The earlier the treatment is given, the better the patient's chances.

Do not discontinue the treatment without consulting your doctor.

The treatment is patently not working.

You will experience some minor discomfort during the treatment.

The treatment has some unfortunate side effects.

The treatment may bring short-term benefits to AIDS sufferers.

There have been great advances in the treatment of cancer.

As part of the treatment, he attended 15 weeks of after-care.

The hospital has issued new guidelines on the treatment of mentally ill patients.

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