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词汇 the lot
释义 the lot
the lot发音



the cloth───神职人员;布料

the Goat───山羊

the Plow───北斗七星

the Tote───死者

the boot───靴子;汽车后备箱

the flat───这间公寓;公寓(纪录片名,TheFlat)

the flop───失败

the hots───热狗队

the last───最后的,最后一个


This may turn out to be the best football game of the lot.───这可能会是全部足球比赛中最棒的一场。

I had a whole box of chocolates and pigged the lot!───我把一整盒巧克力吃了个精光!

He's bought a new PC, colour printer, scanner—the lot.───他买了新的个人电脑、彩色打印机、扫描仪,样样齐备。

Over the barriers jumped the team to effect a rescue, when another bull, something of a tail - end Charlie, mopped up the lot of them.───一队人跳过障碍来救援。就在这时,另一个公牛似的壮汉,有点像轰炸机里的后炮手,将他们全部肃清。

Two men on the west side of the lot were tending a motorized pump, the only sign of any work going on at all.───这块空地上唯一还有人工作的地方就是,在西侧有两个人在看管一台马达泵。

On the point of their divorce, she demanded on his returning to her all the lot she has brought as her marriage portion.───离婚时,她要求男方把她结婚时带过来的嫁妆全部还给她。

Others suggested that the lot where her home stands could be turned into a small memorial park, a pocket of green among the concrete.───有人建议把她房子的位置改建成一个小的纪念公墓,混凝土城市中的一块小绿地。

When I got to the truck, it was almost the last car in the lot.───当我回到车上时,停车场上几乎就剩下我这辆车了。

In each container close to the door, Don put a piece of paper showing the lot number and the commodity in that container.───在每个容器靠近门,唐放一块纸显示的批号,在该容器中的商品。


He gardened the lot behind his house.

Bother the lot of you!

Take all the lot if you want.

She's the best of the lot/bunch.

Have I got everything? Is that the lot?

I'm sick of the lot of them.

The lot came to me.

There is a crook in the lot of everyone. 

In her place I'd sell the lot.

  • the money tree
  • the person i like
  • there is a box
  • the derryo
  • the the
  • the study
  • the wall
  • the public
  • the old course
  • theism define
  • there is on
  • the surf
  • the day come
  • the bell rings
  • ther re
  • the the thwal
  • the yellow river
  • the most
  • these socks
  • there is for
  • the red coat




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