[经] 橱窗陈设
window displays───橱窗展示;橱窗陈设
air display───[航]飞行表演
to display───显示;表现
window seat───n.窗座;靠窗座位
window sill───窗台板,窗盘
window sills───窗台板,窗盘
firework display───放焰火;烟火
virtuoso display───精湛的表演
awesome display───精彩的展示
Mr.Taylor, the owner of a jewelry shop was admiring a new window display.───珠宝店主泰勒先生正在欣赏新布置的橱窗。
It all started with a window display at the company's Paris store.───这一切都始于公司巴黎店的一次橱窗陈设。
Sketch a design for a window display using lines that show movement.───用动感的线条草拟出橱窗设计图.
Taylor, the owner of a jewellery shop was admiring a new window display.───珠宝店主泰勒先生正在欣赏一处新布置的橱窗.
Tape a few to the insides of your windows for a colorful window display.───粘一些到你的窗户上来做一个多彩的橱窗展。
The window display caught her eye.───窗户的陈设引起她的注意.
Subject: How do I set up the application window display position?───主题: 如何设置应用程序窗口显示位置?
As to the packing, we use a polybag for each article, all ready for window display.───至于包装, 我们每件产品使用塑料袋的都愿意成为展示窗口.
Will be divided into three window cut and split window display different categories depending on.───将窗口切分为三,并在切分窗口中显示不同的视类.
Mr Taylor, the owner of a jewel - lery shop was admiring a new window display.───珠宝店店主泰勒先生正在欣赏新布置的橱窗.
Show window display window shows the current rostrum were interrupted state . 5.───显示窗口显示窗口中显示的是当前的各路中断线的状态.
Plastic Jewellery Box Paper Box, Pouch, Window Display, Paper Bag, Wooden Boxes Plastic and Paper Bags.───采购产品塑料珠宝盒子,纸盒子, 小袋, 窗户展览, 纸袋子, 木制的盒子塑料和纸袋子.
We want the garments to be packed for window display.───我公司要求服装的包装便于橱窗陈列.
Show window display window shows the current and the rostrum.───显示窗口显示窗口中显示的是当前的各路和.
For more information, see Customizing the Memory Window Display.───有关更多信息, 请参见自定义“内存”窗口显示.
The window display caught her eye.
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