

词汇 be nervous
释义 be nervous
be nervous发音






glance nervously───紧张地瞥一眼

be news to sb───对某人来说是新闻

to rendezvous───会合

be no slouch───不要无精打采




When taking the stand , do not be nervous, and tell the truth.───你上堂作证的时候不要紧张 、 要讲实话.

The new choir boy was told not to be nervous but to sing up.───有人告诉那新来参加合唱队的男孩不要紧张,要大胆使劲地唱.

Do not be nervous about me, I will worry along somehow.───不要为我担心, 我将设法熬过去.

Come up here, you don't need to be nervous.───到这里来,你不需要紧张。

He tends to be nervous when discussing academic problems with others.───在跟别人讨论学术问题时,他变得很活跃.

If you don't want be nervous, the trick is to smile.───假如你不想紧张, 秘诀就是微笑.

Don't be nervous.───别紧张。

Don't be nervous, old chap!───别神经质啦, 老伙计!

Don't be nervous. Draw a deep breath [ bre θ ].───1别紧张, 深吸一口气.

Don't be nervous, it's just the immediate family.───别紧张, 都是自己人.

If it appears that lots of bulls are long, be nervous!───如果看上去有很多的多头在买,你就需要警惕起来.

'say, Cad, " he said, looking at her, " you mustn't be nervous.───“ 喂, 嘉德, " 他看着她说道, " 你千万别紧张.

It's only natural that you should be nervous.───你感到紧张是很自然的.

Don't be nervous, just the immediate family.───不要紧张, 都是自己人.

And if that happens, don't be nervous.───当那种情况发生时,不要紧张。

Meanwhile, be nervous when you interrupted by the eximiner.───同时, 如果在论述的历程中被考官打断了,也不要紧张.

How can you be nervous when l can't even touch you?───我甚至都碰不到你你怎么会紧张?

How can you be nervous when I can't even touch you?───我根本就碰不到你你怎么还会紧张?


The horse must be nervous of cars.

She must be nervous,she fusses about all the time.

The horse may be nervous of cars.

It's perfectly normal to be nervous before a performance.

Don't rush it; don't be nervous.

Its supporters may be nervous about attending its rallies, and the movement itself is divided.

You're bound to be nervous the first time .

Still, she said, she would be nervous if her son decided to marry a Druitt girl.

Don't be nervous about me, I'll worry along somehow.

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