

词汇 benefit society
释义 benefit society
benefit society发音



benefit societies───互济会

benefit concerts───慈善音乐会

benefit association───福利协会

amenity society───礼仪协会

benefit concert───慈善音乐会

benefit system───[经]福利制度;职工福利制度

big society───大社会

secret society───秘密社团;帮会

benefit associations───福利协会


the organization responsible for many thousands of the standards which benefit society worldwide is ISO.───于世界各地的数千个负责质量标准的组织机构就是ISO。

Education is usually thought to benefit society by making workers more productive.───一般认为,教育之有益于社会,是因为它让工人变得更高效。

it Can enrich the contents of my life, and also benefit society and others.───它既能丰富自己的生活内容,又对社会,他人有益。

Such research may be intended to benefit society, but some environmentalists see it as a cynical play for profits.───这种研究的初衷可能是想造福社会。但是,一些环境保护主义者却认为这是挖空心思想牟取利润。

It has an outstanding team of academics undertaking applied research dedicated to advancing knowledge to benefit society and the region.───它有一个专门从事应用研究推进知识造福社会和该地区学者的优秀团队。

And the organization responsible for many thousands of the standards which benefit society worldwide is ISO.───遍布于世界各地的数千个负责质量标准的组织机构就是ISO。

Meanwhile, investments in for-profit ventures benefit society by leveraging the power of markets.───同时,对营利性企业的投资也可以通过杠杆作用来增强市场力量,从而使社会受益。

But she surely does not have to wait until retirement to benefit society.───但她当然不必等到退休后才去造福社会。

Benefit society by enhancing public understanding and promoting sound public policy.───为加强公共理解和改进公共政策做贡献。


When the cost of cooperation outweighs its benefits, society soon breaks down.

Since marginal cost is less than marginal consumer benefit, society would gain by expanding the output of such industries.

To be sure, both these changes benefit society overall, enabling prosperity for far more people around the globe.

You are expected to pay your whack to benefit society at large.

A programme that might globally benefit society might harm the wellbeing of minorities or groups of people living in particular circumstances," says Archer.

Mutual benefit societies were in many ways the forerunners of building societies.

All of these intelligences benefit society.

As it Can enrich the contents of my life,(sentencedict.com) and also benefit society and others.

Meanwhile, investments in for-profit ventures benefit society by leveraging the power of markets.

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