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词汇 teaching practice
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teaching practices───教学实践

teaching machine───n.教学机器

shooting practice───打靶

teaching machines───n.教学机器

branching fraction───分支分数;分支系数;分支比

shooting practices───射击练习

teaching certificate───教师资格证

choir practice───诗歌练习

family practice───全科医疗;大众医疗


School experience and teaching practice are central to the course.───学校及课堂经验是至关重要的.

This article discusses the application of rules of emotion in the teaching practice of professional courses.───本文探讨了在专业课教学过程中情感规律的运用方法.

Teaching tends to be stable because of the characters and levels of the teaching practice rationality.───教学直接受到既有教学实践理性的特征和水平的限制而倾向于稳定守成。

The third part elaborates the local opera teaching methods, acquired in the personal teaching practice.───第三部分通过亲身实践山东梆子教学阐述地方戏曲在高校公共艺术课中的教学方法探究.

Combined with teaching practice, some attempt has been done in the paper.───本文结合教学实践, 做了一些尝试.

Teachers reflect on their teaching practice and actively engage in planning their professional development.───教师要思考他们的教育实践并积极地计划他们的专业化发展.

Classroom behavior: Teaching practice and peer leaning will be highly valued.───课堂行为: 教学试讲以及同伴学习很重要.

Literature research and analysis, teaching practice, interview and survey analysis are mainly used in the writing.───在写作中主要运用了文献研究与分析法 、 教学实践法 、 访谈法、调查分析法.

Some teaching practice cases and inferences are attached to this essay.───文末提供了若干教学实践案例供研究和实践参考.

Its concrete teaching principles and teaching practice are both based on this purpose.───它的具体教学原则和教学实践都是根据这个教学目标制定和实施的.

Then evaluation method developed by the applied art teaching practice, develop evaluation of the three cases.───然后将所开发的评价方法应用于美术教学实践中, 开发出三个评价案例.

Classroom assessment has important function in English teaching practice of public security.───课堂评估在公安英语教学实践中有重要作用.

The teaching practice will afford you an opportunity of gaining some necessary experience.───教学实习将使你有机会获得一些必要的经验.

As yet, however , oral communication has not been given due recognition in teaching practice.───但在具体的教学操作过程中, 口语交际至今仍未受到应有的重视.

Finally, the article dissects the two complete cases thoroughly and deeply in teaching practice.───最后对教学实践中的两个完整的案例进行了详尽、深入的剖析。

Therefore, it has very important significance in applying DSP techniques into teaching practice.───因此,将DSP技术应用于教学实践具有十分重要的意义。

My thesis mainly discuss new matter from teaching practice perspective version of Beijing normal university.───我的论文主要是从教学实践角度来论述新教材(北师大版).

All the students are geared up for the coming teaching practice.───所有的学生都为即将到来的教学实习做好了准备.

In gymnastics teaching practice and simulation movement induction auxiliary application of interpretation.───体操教学中的诱导辅助练习与模拟动作讲解法的应用.

Participants were mainly asked about their attitudes towards the teaching practice in English Writing class.───问题主要涉及学生对写作课教学实践的看法.

Teaching journal is a method for teachers recording their feeling, teaching practice and also their students.───一直以来,教师也常用教学日志这种方式来表达自己教学中的情感 、 记录教学实践、学生感受.

Teaching Practice Management System practice session for school uniform management platform to provide online courses.───实践教学管理系统为学校实践性环节课提供网上统一管理平台.

So through teaching practice I come to master the three steps on Elementary Swordplay teaching.───笔者在教学实践中逐渐摸索出初级剑教法三步骤,从而取得了较满意的教学效果.

So the graduate's professor institution needs perfecting in the course of teaching practice.───本科生导师制度在教育实践中需要不断完善.

Giving examples is a common feature of teaching practice in classroom interaction.───通过示例的方式来解决教学中的疑点、难点是课堂教学过程中的一项常规手段.

Instruction system design is for the direction practical teaching practice, solving the concrete teaching problems.───教学系统设计是为指导切实的教学实践, 解决具体的教学问题的.

The Aerobics teaching model is a bridge of Aerobic teaching theory and Aerobic teaching practice.───健美操教学模式是健美操理论和健美操教学实践之间的桥梁.

In this article to environmental monitor process in teaching practice was studied and explored.───本文对环境监测实践教学过程中应用“任务驱动、协作学习”教学法进行了研究及探讨.

But among IT teaching practice, evaluation is not paid attention to enough.───然而,在信息技术教学实践中, 评价环节并未受到足够的重视.

In this study, three parts are included as followings: reading materials, teaching practice and teaching evaluation.───研究之内涵包括浮力单元读本之编写, 教学实验与教学评量三部份.

In the end, the paper summarized the accomplishment of teaching practice by questionnaire and quiz.───最后,通过问卷调查和测验的方法, 总结了教学实践研究取得的成效.

An appropriate and effective method for school management is definitely needed in a school's teaching practice.───在学校教学运行中,我们需要正确的、有效的学校管理方法.


You have to do six weeks teaching practice as part of the course.

At the end of each teaching practice, trainee teachers are asked to appraise their own performance.

Spring term: teaching practice: Summer term: preparation for the probationary year.

This effectively reduces the teaching practice experience to years four and six.

Video did reveal insights into teaching practice although these insights tended to be limited to issues of classroom management.

By theory research and teaching practice, the article shows that the happy teaching method is resultful and interesting and.

Term 5 contains a block teaching practice, and thus the course has a programme allocation of five weeks.

On teaching practice the students operated quite differently from what would have happened under the old system.

The project attends especially to teaching practice as a context for learning what and how to teach.

  • teaching job
  • teaching feelling
  • teaching shake tinfest
  • teaching fellowship
  • teaching assistant
  • teaching assistants
  • teaching materials




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