[计] 交换码,转换码
switch cane───拐杖
switch off───(用开关)关掉;切断(电源)
switch on───接通,开启
switch over───转接;转做另一工作
switch focus───切换焦点
batch mode───[计]批处理模式;[计]成批处理方式
sort code───银行代码;分类代码
last line shown demonstrates how this is used as a switch throughout the code.───代码最后一行展示如何将这个常量用作整个代码中的一个开关。
a general rule, anywhere constants are in use, such as in places you are currently using the switch code to switch constants.───一条普遍规则是,任何使用常量的地方,例如目前用switch代码切换常量的地方。
A pre-set code is given to the farmer to switch on or off the pumpset.───一个预设代码给农夫打开或关闭泵唧装置。
As a general rule, anywhere constants are in use, such as in places you are currently using the switch code to switch constants.───一条普遍规则是,任何使用常量的地方,例如目前用switch代码切换常量的地方。
Possible tokens include start/end element, switch code page, entity, processing instruction, tokenized string, literal string, various extension tokens, and opaque data.
As a general rule, anywhere constants are in use, such as in places you are currently using the switch code to switch constants.
- switchpoint guard
- switching out of s mode
- switch on
- switch tools mode
- switching goals
- switch room
- switch eshop
- switch my on
- switch code
- switch all
- switching antidepressants
- switch off
- switching power supply