doing with───利用,处理;需要;忍受;与……相处
doing without───没有…也行;摒弃
going with───v.伴随;与…相配;和交朋友
going without───没有…也行
swing vote───关键投票;关键一票
swing both ways───双向摆动
swing the lead───摆动引线
along with───沿(顺)着;连同……一起;与……一道;除了……
hang with───v.与……在一起,陪伴
If you fall out off that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me."───如果你从秋千上掉下来摔断了脖子,你就不能和我一起去商店了。
One day, the boy returned and the tree was so excited. "Come and play with me, grab on to the tree branches to swing, " the tree said.───有一天, 男孩终于回来了, 树高兴得发抖, 她说:「来啊!孩子, 爬上我的树干, 抓著我的树枝荡秋千。」
I remembered when I was little, my father spoiled me a lot. He always played with me. We played car driving, horse riding, the swing game and he would catch me when I played on the sliding boards.───我想到了,小时候,对,就是小时候,小时候爸爸特别宠爱我,总爱一直陪我玩,我们一直驾驶小汽车、骑马、荡秋千,还有一起溜滑梯时,他还会在下面接住我。
- swing dance
- swing it
- swinging london
- swinging flowers
- swing and swing
- swing out sisters
- swinging door
- swing states
- swing with me