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词汇 swallowed up by
释义 swallowed up by
swallowed up by发音



swallowed up───淹没;吞下去;耗尽

swallow up───淹没;吞下去;耗尽

swallows up───淹没;吞下去;耗尽

followed by───vt.然后,随后;续集

followed up───跟踪;坚持完成;继续做某事

slowed up───(使)慢下来



But whereas the Alps' snowcaps are just deep enough for skiing, Antarctic mountains are swallowed up by their caps, and lie buried beneath an ice sheet that is five kilometers thick.───不过阿尔卑斯山顶积雪的深度仅够滑雪,南极大陆的山脉却被积雪吞噬,深埋在厚达五公里的冰层下。

Within his own lifetime, Aristotle would see Athens, Sparta, and the other great cities of Greece swallowed up by the great Macedonian Empire to the north.───在他有生之年,亚里士多德看到雅典、斯巴达和希腊的其他大城市被北方的马其顿帝国吞并。

Jerry Yang, Yahoo! 's founder, had no wish to see the company he created swallowed up by Microsoft.───雅虎创始人杨致远不想看到自己创立的公司被微软吞食。

But now much of this historic part of the city is expected to be swallowed up by a deluge of water.───但是如今,布拉格城这块历史古迹的大部分可能都会被肆虐的河水吞噬。

he cried His voice died out as the words left his mouth, swallowed up by the damp hiss of the river.───他叫了出来。这些话从他嘴里说出来的时候,就被河水潮湿的流淌声,淹没了。

However, if one tells a lie then with a "POOF! " they are instantly swallowed up by the mirror, never to be seen again.───不过,如果有人说谎的话,会被魔镜“噗!”地一口吞掉,从此在这个世界上消失。

Sentineled by the messengers of God, we shall not be surprised by sudden assaults nor swallowed up by overwhelming forces.───我们不会被突来的惊惶吓到,也不会被猛烈的攻势吞灭。

In the months that followed, Jennifer, a kindergarten teacher, had been nearly swallowed up by her grief.───在接下来的几个月里,幼儿园老师詹妮佛几乎在悲伤中不能自拔。


He doesn't want his firm to be swallowed up by a transnational giant.

His wages were swallowed up by his wine bills.

Wine acidity, he explains, is swallowed up by the natural sweetness of the shallots.

He braced as he was swallowed up by the adoring crowd and swept toward the door by the moving mass.

I scuttle off, to be swallowed up by the wavering shadows of mulberry trees.

The whole town was swallowed up by the magma.

Hundreds of small companies have been swallowed up by these huge multinationals.

The countryside is gradually being swallowed up by new developments.

Large areas of countryside have been swallowed up by towns.

  • swallowed hard
  • swallowed up by




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