

词汇 surgical treatment
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[医] 外科疗法


special treatment───特殊处理;特别待遇

surface treatment───[材]表面处理

hospital treatment───住院治疗

sunray treatment───阳光疗法

surface treatments───表面处理

urgent treatment───紧急治疗

surgical operations───外科手术式的作战;切开手术


In addition to the high cost of surgical treatment, fear of surgery and concerns about the resulting scars and possible amputations may also prevail.───除外科手术治疗的高费用外,害怕外科手术和担忧由此产生的疤痕及可能截肢也可普遍流行。

Surgical Treatment of Congenital Atresia of External Auditory Meatus ( Analysis of 13 ears )───先天性外耳道闭锁的外科治疗 ( 附13耳分析 )

According to the study of pathology of cauda equina syndrome, we mentioned improved surgical treatment of cauda equina syndrome.───根据马尾综合征的病理学研究,我们提到了马尾综合征的改良外科治疗。

Objective To summarize the experience of the surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism.───目的总结甲状腺功能亢进的外科治疗体会.

These encouraging developments are changing the strategy for BU control and treatment which until 2004 focused on surgical treatment.───这些令人鼓舞的发展正在改变布鲁里溃疡病控制和治疗战略,该战略在2004年之前注重于外科治疗。

Objective To discuss the diagnosis and surgical treatment of pulmonary aspergilloma.───目的探讨肺曲菌球的诊断和外科治疗.

Objective To evaluate the effects of surgical treatment for ankle fractures.───目的评价踝部骨折的手术治疗效果.

Objective To analyze surgical treatment of gastric remnant carcinoma.───目的探讨残胃癌的外科治疗.

Objective To explore the surgical treatment of congenital choanal atresia ( CCA ) .───目的探讨先天性后鼻孔 闭锁 的手术时机和手术方式.

Objective To study the pathologic surgical treatment of gastric perforation in children.───目的探讨儿童消化性溃疡穿孔的外科治疗.

It is important to try to rehabilitate the anatomy surgical treatment.───术中尽可能恢复原解剖关系,术中冷冻检查非常必要.

Objective : To study the surgical treatment of aged patients with rectal carcinoma.───目的: 探讨老年直肠癌病人的外科治疗方法.

Background - ventricular restraint is a nontransplantation surgical treatment for heart failure.───心室限制器是非移植性外科治疗心衰的一种方法.

Right I, Phase II analyzing the preferred surgical treatment.───恶性间皮瘤MalignantMesothelioma手术疗法Surgicaltherapy对I 、 期PMM首选手术治疗.

Objective To explore the surgical treatment of primary small - cell esophageal carcinoma ( PSEC ).───目的探讨原 发性 食管小细胞癌的外科治疗方法.

Objective: To study the diagnosis and surgical treatment of esophageal perforation.───摘要目的: 探讨食管穿孔的诊断与外科治疗方法.

Objective To study the surgical treatment of the acromegalic cardiomyopathy.───目的探讨肢端肥大症性心肌病的神经外科手术治疗和疗效.

Do skull base lesions and their surgical treatment cause epileptic seizures?───颅底的损害及其外科治疗是否会引起癫痫性发作?


Objective To evaluate clinical feature and surgical treatment feasibility of anterior callosal glioma with microscope technique and prognosis of the patients.

Objective To investigate the clinic results of surgical treatment on atlanto-axial instability through home designed CUF screw fixation system.

Urgent surgical treatment by direct suture ligation is the treatment of choice, but the prognosis for most patients is extremely poor.

Objective : To investigate the various surgical treatment manners of liver echinococcosis and their adaptations.

Objective To study the plastic surgical treatment of neurofibroma and giant neurofibroma.

Objective To evaluate the procedure of surgical treatment of intrahepatic biliary calculi with blood vessel variation in hepatic hilus.

Objective:To explore the early diagnosis and surgical treatment of congenital mesenteric hiatal hernia.

Objective:To investigate the surgical treatment of meatal adenoid cystic carcinoma.

Objective:To explore the clinic characteristics and surgical treatment of nasal sinus ectopic meningioma.

  • surgical treatment
  • surgical caps
  • surgical physician assistant positions
  • surgically excised
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