

词汇 sunflower seeds
释义 sunflower seeds
sunflower seeds发音




sunflower seed oil───[食品]葵花子油

sunflower oils───葵花油;[食品]向日葵油

flower beds───[建]花坛

flower heads───n.头状花序

sunflower oil───葵花油;[食品]向日葵油


Sunflower State───葵花州(堪萨斯州的别名)


flower bed───[建]花坛


Sammy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting Beside a swift stream.───萨米坐在湍急的溪流边闻着香甜的葵花籽.

Although something of a rarity, it may become more common as sunflower seeds are increasingly appearing in food.───虽说这是少见的现象,不过,由于食物中越来越多地用到了葵花子,这种过敏也许会越来越普遍。

Goldfinches like thistle seeds, hulled sunflower seeds, and oil-type sunflower seeds.───金翅雀喜欢蓟种子、去壳向日葵籽和向日葵油籽。

Do you know, sunflower seeds are the sons of the sunflowers.───你知道吗, 葵花子是向日葵的种子.

We are making you an inquiry for Sunflower seeds.───现向你方询盘葵花籽.

A: It has come to my attention that some of you are eating sunflower seeds at work.───A:我注意到有的人在上班时间嗑瓜子。

The sunflower seeds oil was enzymatic hydrolysis method.───研究了水酶法提取葵花籽油的工艺.

She had cheese and cake sunflower seeds.───有奶酪,有蛋糕,还有瓜子.

Buy: Citric acid, Soy sauce , Beans, Sunflower seeds, Food additive.───采购: 柠檬酸, 酱油,大豆, 瓜子, 食物添加剂.

Sandy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting a swift stream.───桑迪坐在湍急的小河边恣意地咀嚼着葵花子的香味.

Mung beans, asparagus, sunflower seeds , cottage cheese, pineapple, tofu, spinach and bananas could lift your spirits.───绿豆, 芦笋, 葵花子, 松软干酪, 菠萝, 豆腐, 菠菜,香蕉.

Sunflower seeds of this brand are tasty.───这个牌子的葵花子很好吃!

Sunflower seeds have been fried, the old mother, all nibbling better.───葵花子已经炒熟, 老母亲全嗑好了.

Sunflower seeds are full of chlorogenic acid.───葵花籽富含绿原酸.

He was spitting out the husks of sunflower seeds on the floor.───他把瓜子皮吐在地板上.

Sandy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream.───桑迪坐在湍急的小溪边尽情地品味着葵花子的香味.

Fried sunflower seeds cause inner heat easily if you eat too many.───炒的葵花籽吃多了很容易上火.

She sowed sunflower seeds.───她播种下了向日葵种子.


Other foods high in tryptophan include non-fat Greek-style yogurts, lentil soup, raw sunflower seeds and turkey.

Mung beans, asparagus, sunflower seeds , cottage cheese, pineapple, tofu, spinach and bananas could lift your spirits.

He was spitting out the husks of sunflower seeds on the floor.

She washed clothes and dealt in smuggled electronic goods, rabbit-fur hats, sunflower seeds, pearl necklaces and noodles.

Buy: Citric acid, Soy sauce , Beans, Sunflower seeds, Food additive.

Eggs, corn oil, whole-grain bread, poultry, and sunflower seeds and oil provide omega-6 fatty acids.

Whole food Try eating sunflower seeds instead of using the oil, whole pineapple instead of juice, whole grains rather than flower.

We chewed salted sunflower seeds, and slaked our thirst.

We are making you an inquiry for Sunflower seeds.





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