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词汇 sunday school
释义 sunday school
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n.主日学校; 星期日学校(指星期日对儿童进行宗教教育的学校)主日学校(基督教教会为了向儿童灌输宗教思想,在星期天开办的儿童班); 〈美俚〉扑克牌戏


Sunday school───主日学校

Sunday schools───主日学校

day school───日校;走读学校;无宿舍学校

secondary school───中等学校

secondary schools───中学;中等教育

day schools───日校;走读学校;无宿舍学校

junior school───小学

play school───n.幼儿园;幼稚园

senior school───n.中学,中等学校(英国14-17岁的学生)


I must decline the Sunday - school.───我非得谢绝这个主日学校.

Corinthians 13. Good Sunday School education.───哥林多前书13章,主日学校教育很成功。

I met Trey 10 years ago when we attended the same Sunday school class.───10年前上主日学校,我跟特雷同班,我们就是在那儿结识的。

At Sunday School they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings.───在佛学班上,同学们被告知上帝如何制造万物, 其中也包括人类.

This thing shook the bottom out of all my Sunday - school teachings.───这件事把我所有从主日学校所受的教训从根本上动摇了.

Miss Swan couldn't take being a Sunday school teacher any longer.───斯万小姐再也受不了主日学校教师的这一工作了.

There will be no adult Sunday school today.───今天崇拜后成人主日学暂停一次.

She was the belle of her Sunday School class.───在主日学校她是她们班的班花。

Dec 22, 2007 - Sunday School Christmas Celebration at Church Hall.───在2007年12月22日, 与主日学在堂区礼堂庆祝圣诞节.

Even to - day lumber camps are not Sunday - school centres ; 60 ago they were well , less so.───即使在今天,伐木营地都不可能有周末学校,就给别说是60年前了.

Is that all you go to Sunday school for, just to earn bars?───你上主日学校就是为那个吗?就为得奖牌 吗 ?

Our Sunday School is run by a Headmaster.───我们的周日课堂是由校长管理.

Some folks might claim these Sunday School fans are undignified and unspiritual and so on.───有些人会说,这些热衷于主日学校的人不登大雅之堂,胸无大志,等等.

Please join us in Sunday School and lunch fellowship after worship.───崇拜后欢迎大家参加主日学及午餐.

Even after receiving the " right hand of fellowship ,'sunday school bored me.───即使是在获得了“准许入伙 ” 之后, 主日学报还是使我感到枯燥无味.

Betty taught that Sunday school class for twenty years.───贝蒂在那个主日学校班教了20年.

Little April was not the best student in Sunday school.───小阿普瑞莉在周日学校并不算好学生.

Sunday School and self-discipline.───星期日学校和自我约束。


The future was also theirs: Nonconformist Sunday School students came to 14,091,034.

The Sunday School sat in the North Aisle and everyone had to take the same seat week by week.

He enjoyed teaching Sunday school, and talked about maybe adding some kind of teaching to his collage.

Beginning on the Sunday school now was untimely he thought.

A special outing with the Sunday school children.

It held regular services, ran a Sunday school and was involved in numerous village activities.

I taught a Sunday school class and sang in the church choir, whose members included soldiers stationed at nearby bases.

The Sunday school had closed on its opening day, but everything else was settling into a routine.

You skip Sunday school, you go to Hell.

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  • sundays coming i wanna drive my car




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