stuck about───呆在附近
sucker list───吸盘清单
back lot───露天片厂
buy a plot───买一块地
fuck about───吊儿郎当;戏弄;胡闹;摆弄;干蠢事;闲混
fuck all───一点儿也没有;绝无
muck about───闲荡
stuck at───v.坚持;犹豫;努力做
suck up to───拍马屁;以甜言蜜语讨好……
That's why the system requires its own dialog pop-up [to reveal location information]... We have rejected a lot of apps that want to take your personal data and suck it up into the cloud.───这正是我们的系统要求自己的对话弹出窗口[以便显示定位信息]……我们拒绝了许多想取走你的个人数据然后把它放进云里面的应用。
lot of literary fiction strikes a bargain with the reader: you suck up a certain amount of difficulty, of resistance and interpretive work and even boredom, and then you get the payoff.───大量文学小说同读者达成了一个协议:要先克服某些困难和抵制心理,认真解读乃至忍受乏味,然后你才会获得报偿。
So if you are on a budget, focus your organic dollars where it counts — on foods that suck in a lot of pesticides when grown using conventional farming methods.───如果你手头紧的话,把钱用在刀口上----在传统种植方式下会吸收较多农药的食物品种,就买它们内的有机种类。
A popular web site can suck a lot of bandwidth, and most home connections simply couldn't deal with it.───一个受欢迎的网站要占用极大的带宽,而多数家庭网络根本无法负荷。
- suck your duck
- suck up to
- sucking chest wound care
- sucking out a cyst
- suck up
- suck my duck
- sucking wound of the chest
- suck on
- sucking blood is a risky
- sucked into turbine
- suck out of
- sucked into tornado
- suck a lot
- sucked up
- sucked down