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词汇 ball
释义 ballUK:*/ˈbɔːl/US:/bɔl/ ,(bôl)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 ball n (small: tennis, baseball) (网球、棒球等,较小的球)球Throw me the ball.把球扔给我。 ball n (large: basketball, football) (篮球、足球等)球That soccer player controls the ball amazingly well.那位足球球员的控球能力极强,让人惊叹。 ball n (sphere)团;球状物The cone had two balls of ice cream in it.圆锥形蛋卷里有两球冰淇淋。 其他翻译 ball, ball of the foot n (part of foot at base of big toe)前脚掌He stood on the balls of his feet, ready to move.他踮起脚,准备行动。 ball, ball of the thumb n (base of thumb)拇指肚The ball of my thumb hurts while I'm playing the violin.我拉小提琴的时候伤到了拇指肚。 ball n (cannonball)炮弹The naval frigate fired both ball and grapeshot at the sails of the enemy ship.海军护卫舰朝敌船的船帆发射炮弹和霰弹。 ball n (wool, etc. wound into ball)线团;团状物He knitted the ball of wool into a cap and mittens.他将羊毛线团织成了一顶帽子以及手套。 ball n (formal dance)舞会She bought a formal dress for the Christmas Ball.她为圣诞节舞会买了一件礼裙。 ball n (bowling, billiards: hard ball) (台球、保龄球)球He hit the cue ball as hard as he could.他竭尽全力击出母球。 ball n (game using a ball)球类运动Let's play ball - we should have started ten minutes ago!来玩儿球了吧,我们10分钟之前就该开始了! ball n (baseball: not swung at) (棒球)(投手投出的)坏球The pitch was too high and was called a ball by the umpire.投手投出的球太高了,被裁判员叫为坏球。 balls npl vulgar, slang (testicles)睾丸John scratched his balls and yawned loudly.约翰挠挠他的睾丸,大声地打哈欠。 balls npl vulgar, slang (courage, daring)胆量;勇气I don't have the balls for skydiving.我可没有玩儿跳伞的胆量。 ball [sb] vtr US, vulgar, slang (have sex with)与…性交The hot kisses made him want to ball her. 动词短语 ball [sth] up, ball up [sth] (US), balls [sth] up, balls up [sth] (UK) vtr phrasal sep slang (do [sth] badly) (俚语)把…搞得一团糟备注: In the UK, 'balls up' may be offensive to some.I've really balled up my computer this time; I'll have to call tech support. ball [sth] up, ball up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (shape into a ball)成球;揉成团 复合形式: a whole new ball game, a brand new ball game n US, informal, figurative (changed situation)完全不同的情况That puts matters in a different light. It's a brand new ball game now. air ball (basketball shot)空中球;三不沾 ball and chain n (ball chained to prisoner's leg)铁球;铁链 ball and chain n figurative (restraint, obstacle)束缚;累赘 ball and chain n slang (wife)妻子;老婆 ball bearing n (metal bearing with ball)滚珠轴承These ball bearings contain two rows of balls side by side. ball bearing n (metal ball in bearing) (轴承里的)滚珠,钢球The ball bearings rotate in the hub of the wheel. ball boy n (tennis: boy who recovers ball) (网球)球童The ball boys dart out from the sidelines to take stray balls off the tennis court. ball boy n (baseball: catches foul balls) (棒球)球童 ball cap n (baseball)鸭舌帽;棒球帽 ball club n (professional baseball team)棒球队;棒球俱乐部Whether the player will remain with the ball club is uncertain. ball game n (sport played with ball)球类运动No ball games are allowed in this park.这个公园不允许进行球类运动。 ball game n US, informal (baseball match)棒球比赛When my dad takes me to a ball game, he always buys me a hot dog. ball joint n (structure: movable connection)球接头;球窝接头I need to replace my ball joints but finding replacement parts is difficult for a car that old. ball joint n (bones: movable articulation)球窝关节 ball lightning n (ball-shaped lightning)球形闪电 ball mill (grinding mill)球磨机 ball of fire n (fireball)火球We heard the explosion, then saw a great ball of fire shooting to the sky. The propane tanker exploded into a great ball of fire.我们听到爆炸声,然后看到一个巨大的火球冲向天空。丙烷罐车爆炸,形成一个巨大的火球。 ball of fire n figurative (dynamic person)一团火一样的人,精力充沛的人My aunt is always busy; she's a real ball of fire. ball of fluff n figurative (small furry animal)绒毛球;绒毛小动物 ball of thread n (thin fibre wound into a ball)线团;线球It's hard to crochet when the kitten keeps playing with the ball of thread. ball of yarn n (wool, etc., wound into a ball)毛线球My kitten loves to play with a ball of yarn. ball sport n often plural (game: with ball)球类运动 ball valve n (flow controlled by ball)球阀;球形活门 ball-and-socket joint n (anatomy: type of joint) (人体)球窝关节 ball-and-socket joint n (joint connecting rods, pipes etc.)杵臼接头;球窝接头 ball-buster, ballbuster, ball-breaker, ballbreaker n figurative, informal (woman threatening to men)悍妇,强悍的女人,女强人; (口语)凶婆娘,女魔头 ball-buster, ballbuster, ball-breaker, ballbreaker n figurative, informal (strict disciplinarian)严格维持纪律的人 ballcock, ball cock, ball-cock n (water-level ball in a cistern)浮球阀 ballpoint pen, ball pen n (pen with rolling ball bearing)圆珠笔I would rather use a fountain pen than a ballpoint pen.我宁愿用水笔也不用圆珠笔。 baseball cap, ball cap n (peaked sports hat)棒球帽The girl wore a baseball cap bearing the logo of her favorite team. beach ball, beachball n (toy: inflatable ball)浮水气球The children were playing with a beach ball. behind the eight ball, behind the eightball expr US, figurative (at a disadvantage)处于困境;处于不利地位The university is behind the eight ball when it comes to attracting international students. billiard ball n (sports: ball for billiards)台球 bocce, bocce ball n (ball sport)地掷球The men were playing bocce in the park. bowling ball n (large: for tenpins)保龄球The bowling ball was so heavy that I thought I would drop it on my toes.保龄球太重了,我原以为我会扔在我的脚趾上。 bowling ball n (small: for lawn bowls)草地滚球用的小球 charity ball n (formal dance for charitable cause)慈善舞会The police held a charity ball to raise money for the local orphanage. cotton ball (US), cotton wool ball (UK) n (fluffy fiber ball)棉球I use a cotton ball to apply nail polish remover. crystal ball n (glass ball used to predict future)水晶球The fortune-teller gazed into the crystal ball. cue ball n (snooker, pool: white ball) (台球中的)白色球,主球In pool, you hit the coloured balls with the white cue ball. curve ball, curveball n (baseball: pitched ball that spins)曲线球 curve ball, curveball n US, informal, figurative ([sth] unexpected)意料之外的事 curve ball, curveball n US, informal, figurative ([sth] misleading)误导人的事 dodgeball, dodge ball n US (American ball game) (美国一种球类游戏)躲避球I always hated dodgeball, especially after the ball hit me in the face. drop the ball v expr figurative (fail to do one's part)撂挑子;推掉任务The company dropped the ball when the product was late in reaching some key markets. dropped-ball n (soccer: restart) (足球)坠球The referee restarted the game with a dropped-ball. football (UK), soccer ball (US) n (sports: round ball)足球He kicked the football into the goal.他把足球踢进了球门。 football (US), American football, American football ball (UK) n (sports: oblong ball)橄榄球He threw the football to his friend.他把橄榄球扔给了朋友。 foul ball n (baseball: ball out of bounds)界外球It appeared to be a home run, but the umpire ruled that it was a foul ball. get the ball rolling, start the ball rolling v expr figurative (initiate [sth])开始… golf ball n (small white ball used in golf)高尔夫球When he went golfing he hit the golf ball into the water. grounder, ground ball n (baseball: rolling ball) (棒球)滚地球 have a ball v expr informal (enjoy oneself immensely) (非正式用语)玩得很开心,玩得特别高兴Thank you for a wonderful party; we all had a ball! juggling ball n (soft ball used for juggling)杂耍球The clown dropped the juggling ball. jump ball n (in basketball) (篮球)跳球As the two players were struggling to gain possession of the ball, the referee called a jump ball. keep the ball rolling v expr figurative (give renewed vigor to [sth] underway)保持运转;保持活跃 keep your eye on the ball, keep an eye on the ball, have your eye on the ball v expr figurative (be attentive, alert)集中注意 masked ball n (dance where costumes are worn)化妆舞会;假面舞会We went to the masked ball as Pierrot and Pierrette. masquerade ball n (masked dance)化装舞会For New Year's the Smiths held a masquerade ball at their country home. meatball n (food: ground meat)肉丸My favorite food as a child was spaghetti and meatballs. meatball n US, Can, informal (foolish person)笨蛋Don't be such a meatball; if you do that, you're going to get in trouble.别发傻了!如果你那么做,你会有麻烦的。 medicine ball n (ball used in weight training)健身实心球The physical therapist had her use a medicine ball to strengthen her abdomen. mothball n usually plural (pesticide for clothing)樟脑丸;卫生球;防蠹丸Before storing the box of clothing, we added mothballs to protect its contents. no adj (forbidding [sth])禁止备注: Used on public notices to forbid an activity or thing.There are signs saying "No smoking" all over the construction site.施工现场到处挂着“严禁吸烟”的牌子。 no-ball n (cricket) (板球)投球犯规 on the ball adv figurative, informal (alert) (比喻,非正式用语)机警的,敏锐的You need to be on the ball to spot the best bargains. play ball vtr + n (throw, catch a ball)玩球Shall we play ball in the park? play ball with [sb] v expr (throw, catch a ball with [sb])和...打球My son often plays ball with the boy from next door. play ball vtr + n figurative (co-operate)合作The deal's off - John won't play ball. play ball with [sb] v expr figurative (co-operate with [sb])与...合作The company needs smart people who can play ball with our software development team. play-the-ball n (rugby move)被擒抱后重新进攻 pool ball n (ball used in game of billiards)台球The pool ball rolled into the pocket. rubber ball n (bouncy ball made of rubber)皮球;橡皮球 snap the ball v expr (American football: make the first pass) (橄榄球)开球 spitball, spit ball n (paper chewed and spat)小孩投掷着玩的嚼过的纸球 spitball, spit ball n (baseball: ball dampened with spit) (棒球术语)唾沫球 tennis ball n (rubber ball used in tennis)网球 the whole ball of wax n US, slang (everything)一切;全套Give me a shampoo, haircut, permanent, and facial; I want the whole ball of wax. throw [sb] a curve ball, throw [sb] a curve v expr US, informal, figurative (do [sth] unexpected)出乎某人意料;做令某人意外的事 throw [sb] a curve ball, throw [sb] a curve v expr US, informal, figurative (do [sth] misleading)做误导某人的事 wrecking ball n (demolition tool)建筑拆除球;落锤;破碎球




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