stick with───坚持;继续做;保持联系
sticks with───坚持;继续做;保持联系
be struck with───受到打击
stiff with───僵硬的
stuck at───v.坚持;犹豫;努力做
stuck out───突出;坚持;醒目
stuck pipe───卡住的管子
stuck to───v.坚持;粘住
sticking with───坚持;继续做;保持联系
Many people are now stuck with expensive fixed-rate mortgages.───许多人现在无法摆脱高额的定息按揭。
Why do I always get stuck with this?───为什么永远都这么辛苦做这种工作?
Say, what about all that Egyptian cotton he's stuck with? How much did he buy?───唔, 他没法脱手的那些埃及棉花怎么样 啦 ?他吃进了多少?
And those who strike out are stuck with her friends.───[本德]那些受打击的就和她的朋友在一起.
I'm stuck with my sister for the whole day.───我一整天都让妹妹给缠住了.
Why am I always stuck with the washing - up?───干吗总是要我洗餐具?
I don't even know how I got stuck with the damn thing.───我都不知道我是怎么被扯进这事情来的.
You may be stuck with a miserable existence for the rest of your life.───你的余生可能会陷入悲惨的生活。
Look, i got stuck with you beuse i was late for rounds.───听着, 我现在只能推着你到处乱走,就是因为我巡房迟到了.
If he stuck with us and bought a '60 Ford, he got burned twice in a row.───如果他同我们有感情,又买一辆1960年的福特车, 那他就是连续两次上当受骗.
Do you have any guns or knives or anything I might get stuck with?───你有刀枪或者其它可能让我受伤的东西 吗 ?
Many people are now stuck with expensive fixed-rate mortgages.───许多人目前都有高额的定息按揭缠身。
Fred stuck with his homework until it was done.───弗雷德继续做他的作业,直到做完为止.
So I get stuck with the directing job.───于是导演的差事就落到了我头上.
Word experts say the name Indian may be wrong but we are stuck with it.───词汇专家们说印第安人这个名称错是错了,但是人们已经用惯了.
Now I'm stuck with you, there's no more to be said.───嫁鸡随鸡, 什么也甭说了.
You may be stuck with a miserable existence for the rest of your life.───你可能一辈子都要过着悲惨的生活。
have a written contract, stuck with a magnet on the fridge, telling you when you're supposed to tidy up?───过协议吗,在上面贴个磁力贴,规定好什么时候由谁打扫房间?
The storm stuck with elemental fury.
- stuck with it
- stuck in traffic
- stuck on you
- stuck to it