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词汇 spelling out
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selling out───卖完;卖光

shelling out───付款;还账;为…提供

spilling out───(使)溢出,(使)溅出;突然涌出;说出(真相、内情)

pulling out───起出

speaking out───大声地说(speaking是speak的现在分词)

levelling out───整齐化

spelling book───[语]拼音字典

belting out───vi.引吭高歌

calling out───唤起;出动;大声叫唤


Apart from number and currency formatting, intl handles more sophisticated tasks, like spelling out numbers-again, not only for English but for many supported locales.───除了数字和货币格式化之外,intl还能处理更为复杂的任务,比如拼写出数字—同样地,不只是针对英语,很多其他受支持的locale也可以。

Today, there's no excuse for not fully spelling out variable and method names. ───如今,再没有任何理由不使用完整拼写的变量和方法名称。

She is writing in Braille, spelling out a single word - furious.───她在是盲文书写,并拼写出一个词-愤怒。

As Mr Diamond arrived at the slopes, back in London Mervyn King was spelling out some dismal economic truths.───当戴蒙德抵达达沃斯的时候,英国央行(BoE)行长默文•金(MervynKing)正在伦敦阐述一些黯淡的经济现实。

He send regular messages spelling out his vision for Nigeria and responds to comments from his followers.───他定期发消息表达他的意见,以及回应关注者的评论。

As a part of commemoration, thousands of candles were lit in Kigali, spelling out the word "hope" in three languages.───作为纪念会的一部分,成千上万支蜡烛被点燃,形成的造型是用三种语言书写的“希望”一词。

With alphabetic intent, this branching coral near the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean Sea seems to be spelling out a message.───随着字母的意图,这一分支的珊瑚靠近特克斯和凯科斯群岛,加勒比海似乎拼写了一条消息。

The document provided by the service provider to a prospective client spelling out the work to be undertaken and agreed pricing.───由服务供应商提供给潜在客户的文件,说明应承但的任务和约定的价格。

However, named patterns can at least be used to make spelling out cardinalities slightly less painful.───然而,使用所指定的模式至少可使基数的拼写略微简洁些。


The rest of the remark he left unsaid, but it did not need spelling out.

I had a 6-year-old patient once whose mother cried while spelling out the word shoplift in front of the daughter, who had walked out of a store with, I believe, a hair accessory.

Prosecutors gave Bailey, an adversary, $ 6 million worth of stock without spelling out any conditions of the transfer.

They hacked and sliced at one another till there was no meaning left, only a confusion of bloodthirsty syllables spelling out absurdity.

The stock transaction which the banker was spelling out was fair.

Since your son or daughter is now your new temporary houseguest, spelling out the rules you'd like them to follow will add clarity to many situations.

It is important to examine each possible limiting factor by spelling out the issue of feasibility.

We communicated through 18-year-old Lisa, who passed on my questions by spelling out words on Julia's hand.

Now, Congress will go to work spelling out details of that plan.

  • spelling book
  • spelling shed




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