specialist treatment───专科治疗
surgical treatment───外科治疗;外科疗法
dental treatment───坝基补缝填坑处理
equal treatment───平等对待
spa treatment───矿泉疗法
special treat───特别治疗;特殊待遇
hospital treatment───住院治疗
It is also against WTO rule grant special treatment to foreign investors.───为外国投资者提供特别待遇也是有悖于WTO(世界贸易组织)的规则的.
As a special treatment modality, radionuclide therapy is characterized by radioactivity throughout the treatment procedure.───放射性核素治疗是一种特殊的治疗技术, 其整个治疗过程都具有放射性.
He's gone to a hospital in London for special treatment.───他已去伦敦的一家医院接受特殊治疗.
More important, it is also against WTO principles grant special treatment to foreign investors.───更为重要的是, 为外国投资者提供特别待遇也有悖于世界贸易组织的规则.
Certain city areas have been singled out for special treatment.───某些城区已划出要进行特别治理。
Fair - haired boys tend to receive special treatment by their bosses.───得宠的人,较会受到他们上司的特别待遇.
Some employers feel that persons with disabilities as productive or need special treatment.───部分雇主觉得残障人士的生产力不足或需要特殊待遇.
Do you offer a special treatment for dry and cracked nails?───你们有针对干裂指甲的特别疗程 吗 ?
It was insolent of them to demand special treatment.───他们要求给予特殊待遇,脸皮真厚.
If these were theater performers, would you seek special treatment?───如果是演出者, 你能要求特殊待遇 吗 ?
Fair - haired boys tend to receive special treatment by theirs bosses.───得宠的人,较会受到她们上司的特别待遇.
You should rate special treatment.───你值得受到特殊优待.
Why should we give you special treatment?───凭什么要我们对你特殊照顾?
Special friends deserve special treatment.───特别的朋友要受到特别的待遇.
We don't want any special treatment.───我们不需要任何特殊待遇。
We don't want any special treatment.───我们不想要任何特殊待遇。
Why should he get such special treatment?───为什么他会得到这样特殊的待遇.
We can't give you any special treatment.
You will not be accorded any special treatment.
Why should we give you special treatment?
No one receives special treatment.
I don't expect special treatment - I just want to be treated fairly.
Women were treated like delicate flowers needing special treatment.
Peter gets special treatment because he knows the boss.
This type of wood needs special treatment.
We don't want any special treatment.
- special field
- special treatment
- special agent
- special times
- special education directors
- special foonotch
- special force
- special edition
- special offers
- specialist training
- special season
- special about
- specialist school
- special buddy
- special trip
- special activities
- special jury
- specially for you
- special active carbon use
- special machine
- special account