economic prosperity───[经]经济繁荣;发展生产
relative prosperity───相对富裕
American cranberry───美国蔓越莓
American ostrich───美洲鸵鸟
American water spaniel───美国水猎犬,美国水獚
American wormseed───美洲土荆芥(等于Chenopodiumam;osioides)
American wormseeds───美洲土荆芥(等于Chenopodiumam;osioides)
Last year, Phillips told the Financial Times that Americans for Prosperity had only eight thousand registered members.───去年,菲利普斯告知经融时报的美国荣昌的注册会员数仅为八千多。
Another officer at Americans for Prosperity, Walter Williams, often guest-hosts for Limbaugh.───另一位美国荣昌高官,沃尔塔·威廉姆斯则常捧林博的场。
Americans for Prosperity has worked closely with the Tea Party since the movement's inception.───美国荣昌自茶党开始有所动作起就与之合作密切。
The Texas branch of Americans for Prosperity gave its Blogger of the Year Award to a young woman named Sibyl West.───美国荣昌德克萨斯州分部将其年度blogger奖授予一位名为西比尔·韦斯特(SibylWest)的女士。
That October, Americans for Prosperity held a conference of conservative operatives at a Marriott hotel outside Washington.───同年10月,美国荣昌在华盛顿万豪宾馆召开了保守人士会议。
On the same day, a group called Americans for Prosperity (AFP) set up a Tea Party Facebook page and started organising Tea Party events.───同一天,一个叫做“繁荣美国人”(AFP)的组织在脸谱上建立了一个茶党的页面,并开始组织茶党运动事件。
And she noted that Americans for Prosperity had provided Tea Party activists with lists of elected officials to target.───她还指出美国荣昌会为茶党提供他们选中作为“攻坚”目标的官员的名单。
David Koch and Fink started a new group, Americans for Prosperity, and they hired Tim Phillips to run it.───戴维·科赫和芬克成立了一个名为美国荣昌的新组织,聘请提姆·菲利普斯(TimPhillips)任负责人。
In the weeks before the first Tax Day protests, in April, 2009, Americans for Prosperity hosted a Web site offering supporters "Tea Party Talking Points."
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