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词汇 so that
释义 so that
so that发音

以便; 因此



so what───那又怎样

not that───并非;并不是说

so what!───那又怎样

soft hat───呢帽

at that───而且

in that───因为;由于;既然

to chat───聊天;闲谈

to hat───戴帽子

to thaw───解冻


I bored a hole so that the fixing bolt would pass through.───我钻了个孔,好让固定插销穿过去。

You are given a map so that you can see where your villa is in relation to the swimming pool.───你会拿到一张地图,这样你就能了解自己的别墅与游泳池的相对位置。

He was rigged up to a machine so that the nurses could check his heartbeat.───他身上连接了机器让护士检查心跳.

Face round, please, so that I can cut your hair at the back.───转一下头, 好让我可以剪你后面的头发.

The latest machines scramble the messages so that the conversation cannot easily be intercepted.───最新的机器对信号作扰频处理,通话就不易被侦听了。

When I call your name, shout out so that we know you're here.───当我叫到你的名字时请大声响应,以便大家知道你来了.

Space the desk a meter apart so that the pupils can't cheat.───把桌子按一米的间隔摆开以防学生作弊.

The ruts must be filled in so that traffic can pass.───车轮压出的辙迹必须填平,以便行人和车辆通行.

He himself believed in freedom, so much so that he would rather die than live without it.───他非常崇尚自由,不自由,毋宁死。

They ask me to join the party so that I'll be their scapegoat when trouble comes.───他们想叫我入伙,出了乱子,好让我替他们垫背.

I will give you all the facts so that you can judge for yourself.───我会给你所有的事实以便你可以自己判断.

Stamp the soil down so that it's compact.───把泥土踩结实.

We ought to channel this street so that water can flow away easily.───我们应该给这条街开辟水道,以便水能畅通地流走.

I had the flat decorated quickly so that Philippa could move in.───我很快地把公寓粉刷了一遍,这样菲利帕就能搬进来了。

He seems to be making all the arrangements necessary so that he can continue trafficking in drugs when he turns himself in.───他似乎正在做好各种必要安排,以便他自首后还能继续贩毒。

Tell me her address so that I can go and see her.───把她的地址告诉我,我好找她.

Pythons kill by tightening their coils so that their victim cannot breathe.───大蟒蛇紧紧盘绕猎物使之无法呼吸,从而杀死猎物。

Put the presents in the middle of the room so that everyone can dip in.───把礼物放在屋子中间,这样每个人都能分享到.

He's bought a specially big TV at vast expense so that everyone can see properly.───他花大价钱买了一台特别大的电视机,这样每个人都能看清楚。

He adjusted each chesspiece so that it stood dead centre in its square.───他调整每颗棋子,使它们立于格子的正中央。

Get prepared so that you can set off immediately if sth . happens.───做好准备,一旦有事,马上出动.

We climbed higher so that we might see the scenes better.───我们又往高处爬以便能更好地观看这景色.

Everyone lent a hand, so that the work was finished ahead of schedule.───每个人都帮了忙, 所以工作提前完成了.

He tried to organise things so that the trip would be dressed up as a UN mission.───他竭力筹备好各项事宜以便这次出行看上去像联合国代表团出访一样。

Can you work it so that we get free tickets?───你能不能为我们搞到些免费票?

Let's establish the ground rules so that everybody knows what to expect.───我们得定一下基本规则,以便让每个人都知道要求如何.

People wear spectacles so that they can see better.───人们戴眼镜是为了看得更清楚.

They put their chairs on their desks so that the caretaker could sweep the floor.───他们将椅子放在桌子上,以便管理员清扫地板.

Police should be asked to investigate so that the guilty can be brought to book soon.───应该要求警方介入调查,以将罪犯早日绳之以法。

Bend the wire so that it forms a 'V'.───铁丝弯成V形。

She put the bite on me so that she could buy a pair of new shoes.───她向我借钱,以便可以买一双新鞋.

It's best to send the heavy cases ahead so that they'll be there already when we arrive.───最好事先把这些沉重的箱子运走,这样我们到达时,箱子已经到了.

Bess spoke up, smiling so that her dimples showed.───贝丝大声发言,微笑着,使脸上露出了两个酒窝。

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