

词汇 sodium bicarbonate
释义 sodium bicarbonate
sodium bicarbonate发音




sodium bicarbonates───[无化]碳酸氢钠;小苏打

sodium carbonate───碳酸钠

sodium bichromate───[无化]重铬酸钠;红矾钠

sodium carbonates───碳酸钠

sodium acid carbonate───碳酸氢钠

ammonium bicarbonate───[无化]碳酸氢铵;重碳酸铵

sodium bichromates───[无化]重铬酸钠;红矾钠

sodium dichromate───[无化]重铬酸钠

sodium acid carbonates───碳酸氢钠


This preparation contains sodium bicarbonate , tartaric acid and sodium potassium tartrate.───该配制品含有碳酸氢钠、酒石酸及其钠钾盐.

The salt formation and crystallization process of cefoperazone with sodium bicarbonate water and acetone were reported.───优化了头孢哌酮酸和碳酸氢钠的成盐、析晶等工艺条件,制备了头孢哌酮钠.

Beverage, Sodium Bicarbonate, Food packaging, Food processing machinery, Canned fruit, canned vegetable.───饮料, 碳酸钠, 食品包装, 食品加工设备, 水果罐头,蔬菜罐头.

The sodium bicarbonate is not the as sodium chloride ( cooking salt ).───碳酸氢钠是不一样的氯化钠 ( 食用盐 ).

you think sodium bicarbonate and vinegar will react?───你觉得碳酸氢纳和醋加在一起会有何反应?

A saturated solution of sodium bicarbonate ( 13 L ) was added in portions ( endothermic, gas evolution ).───阿的碳酸氢钠 ( 13L ) 饱和溶液中添加了部分 ( 吸热, 气量 ).

Does sodium bicarbonate water go can black head burn out nose skin?───小苏打水去黑头会不会烧坏鼻子皮肤?

A substance , such as magnesia or sodium bicarbonate, that neutralizes acid.───解酸的, 抗酸的,防酸的,中和酸的消除或中和酸度的, 尤其胃酸.

P : After I take some sodium bicarbonate, the pain goes away temporarily.───在服小苏打后, 疼痛可暂时缓解.

MultiMin Powder contains natural lemon flavoring , fructose , citric acid and sodium bicarbonate.───包含天然的柠檬酸盐, 碳酸氢钠.重碳酸盐.

Conclusions Thrush was well prevented with 2 % sodium bicarbonate.───结论2%碳酸氢钠清洗口腔可预防鹅口疮.

you know about sodium bicarbonate?───你对碳酸氢纳认识多少?

An alkali such as sodium bicarbonate may relieve the pain to an even greater degree.───碱性物质如碳酸氢钠减轻疼痛的效果甚至更大.

Aim To establish a bacterial test for sodium bicarbonate injection.───目的建立碳酸氢钠注射液细菌内毒素检查方法.

This modest amount of sodium bicarbonate prevents the potassium depletion and demineralization of bone.───这点碳酸氢钠量即可防止缺钾和骨质脱钙.

Western medicine used pancreatin and sodium bicarbonate orally.───西药采用胰酶和碳酸氢钠口服。

A substanceas magnesia or sodium bicarbonate, that neutralizes acid.───一种强的钠或氢氧化钾溶液.

METHODS Mengoferin was dissolved in water and acetone, then dripped with sodium bicarbonate solution.───方法:将芒果苷置于水和丙酮的混合溶液中, 滴入碳酸氢钠水溶液,溶液澄清后滤过.

We will conduct double agar diffusion and counter immunoelectrophoresis with aluminium potassium sulfate and sodium bicarbonate.───方法:用硫酸铝钾和碳酸氢钠做琼脂双向扩散、单向扩散以及对流电泳.

Plastic Pallet, Stearic Acid, Glycerine, Sodium Bicarbonate , Ammonium Bicarbonate , Acid Plastic Products.───采购产品塑料托盘, 硬脂酸, 甘油, 碳酸氢钠,碳酸氢铵, 柠檬酸, 塑胶制品.

  • sodium bisulfite




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