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词汇 snow crystal
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snow crystals───雪晶

snow crust───雪结皮

snow crusts───积雪

soda crystals───结晶碳酸钠

lead crystal───铅晶质玻璃;铅水晶



rock crystal───[矿物]水晶

snow crab───雪蟹


These are the most popular snow crystal type, seen in holiday decorations everywhere.───是最常见的雪花晶体形态, 经常出现在节日装饰品上.

I apply Snow Crystal Dual Foundation after Snow Crystal Shimmering Multi Cream.───涂上兰芝雪凝晶焕多效霜之后,我会再涂兰芝雪凝晶焕双重粉底.

Why snow crystal shapes change from thin, flat plates to long, slender needles when the temperature changes remains something of a scientific mystery.───为什么在温度变化时雪晶的形状也随着变化,从薄且平的盘状变成长且细的针状,这仍是一个科学之谜。

None of the substances would serve as the center of a snow crystal or raindrop.───那些物质都不能构成雪的结晶或雨点的核心.

Changjiang Securities analyst snow crystal on the financial weekly said.───长江证券分析师苏雪晶对理财周报记者说.

shape of a snow crystal may change from one form to another as the crystal passes through levels of air with different temperatures.───雪晶的穿过不同温度的空气时,形状可能会从一种形状变化成另一种。

Winter snow, crystal clear and elegant.───冬天的雪, 飘逸且晶莹.

Water molecules join together in a rigid pattern - a tiny ice structure that's the heart of a snow crystal.───水分子连接成坚固的结构排布,这一小小的冰结构是雪花晶体的核心。


Changjiang Securities analyst snow crystal on the financial weekly said.

None of the substances would serve as the center of a snow crystal or raindrop.

  • snowfall totals
  • snow bear
  • snowed under
  • snow heart
  • snow d
  • snowed heavily
  • snow fairy
  • snow world
  • snow blink
  • snow line
  • snowy mountain
  • snowed in
  • snow lily
  • snowball effect
  • snow boat
  • snow stars
  • snow covers
  • snowflake boy
  • snow melts
  • snow mountain
  • snowpas it




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