punch the bundy───打邦迪
pitch and putt───投球和推杆
such and such───某某;如此这般的
Punch and Judy show───潘趣和朱迪秀
Punch and Judy shows───潘趣和朱迪秀
pitch and putts───投球和推杆
punch drunk───被打得晕头转向
fetch and carry───做杂务,打杂
rough and ready───简陋的;马虎的
There be Punch-and-Judy shows, and monkeys—oh such antic creatures!───有潘趣傀儡戏,还有猴子——哦,多么滑稽的动物!
This bed sheet punch and Judy show is lifelike, exciting.───此被单木偶戏表演惟妙惟肖,扣人心弦。
age-old question hit me one day on my way to work: Do we have free will or are we just puppets in a 1)Punch and Judy show?───某天,上班的途中,一个老掉牙的问题忽然从我脑海里冒出来:我们是否拥有自由意志,还是说,我们只是木偶戏里那些被人控制的木偶。
This bed sheet punch and judy show is lifelike, exciting.───此被单木偶戏表演惟妙惟肖, 扣人心弦.
This bed sheet punch and judy show is lifelike, exciting.
There is a special activity programme geared towards senior citizens, and children will enjoy the weekly Punch and Judy shows.
Children can enjoy a special treasure hunt, a bouncy castle and Punch and Judy shows.
It was like something from a Punch and Judy show, but very disturbing all the same.
Attractions include jazz bands, a punch and judy show, craft workshops and an outdoor display of visual arts.
- punched tape
- punch lines
- punch clock
- punched in a fight