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snapper up───抢购

snapper ups───抢购

lapped up───舔食;欣然接受

shaped up───顺利发展;形成;成形

slipped up───v.疏忽;跌倒;遭到不幸

snarled up───纠缠

sopped up───吸水

stepped up───加速的

stopped up───堵塞;塞住;熬夜


All the best bargains were snapped up within hours.───所有最划得来的便宜货几小时之内就被抢购一空了。

She's been snapped up by Hollywood to star in two major movies.───好莱坞抢先邀请她在两部重要影片中担当主角。

His head snapped up.───他猛地抬起头来。

People will try to tell you that all the great opportunities have been snapped up.───人们将竭力告诉你,一切绝好的机会都已经被别人迅速抓住了。

Apple's products are now being snapped up in Delhi and Dalian just as in Dublin and Dallas.───和在都柏林和达拉斯一样,德里和大连的苹果产品也正遭到疯抢。

Homeowners, armed with easy credit , snapped up properties as if they were playing Monopoly .───由于能够轻易获得贷款,人们像玩大富豪游戏一样,疯抢房屋地产。

In 2009 it snapped up the Swiss subsidiary of Dresdner Bank, one ailing German bank which had merged with another, Commerzbank.───2009年,LGT抢购了德累斯顿银行的瑞士子公司,这家子公司是一家陷入困境的德国银行,它曾与德国商业银行进行合并。

Hungry for "diversity" and rushing into relatively rundown black neighbourhoods, they snapped up the only housing bargains left.───他们渴求“多样生活”,冲进黑人相对少些的地区,抢购黑人唯一带不走的便宜货——房子。

With just 40, 000 tickets remaining for the athletics, they were all snapped up in the first 15 minutes.───仅剩下四万张田径门票,在开售15分钟内被抢订一空。


She was snapped up by a large law firm.

She's been snapped up by Hollywood to star in two major movies.

His statement was snapped up by the chairman.

The kind of articles were quickly snapped up.

The tickets for the concert were snapped up within three hours of going on sale.

Owen was snapped up by Liverpool before he'd even left school.

All the best bargains were snapped up within hours.

I snapped up the coat at that cheap price.

One eagle-eyed collector snapped up a pair of Schiaparelli earrings for just £6.

  • snapped his fingers
  • snapped in




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