

词汇 simple machines
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simple machine───[机]简单机械

complex machines───复杂的机器

time machines───(使人可以穿梭于过去、现在和未来之间的一种想像中的)时间机器

facsimile machines───n.传真机

complex machine───复杂机械

ice machines───制冰机

spin machines───纺纱机

stamp machines───n.邮票自动售卖机

tape machines───自动收报机;磁带录音机


As indicated in the section on simple machines, a screw ACTS with a wedging action and consists of a circular cylinder (or truncated cone) with a helical groove in it.───如在简单的机器上的区段所指出的,一个螺丝钉以一个楔住行动行事而且有圆形圆筒(或者切断了圆锥体)与一螺旋状的在它里面的凹槽。

By the early 20th century several scientists had built simple machines that could run on concentrated heat from the sun.───在20世纪初,几个科学家建造了简单的器械,从太阳中聚集的热能可以使它们运转。

It's easy to see why you might think that sort of thing when you stick to simple machines.───你对于简单机器抱有这种想法,是很自然的事。

From your daily experience and from your study of simple machines at home, you know quite a bit about friction.───人们从日常经验以及从家用简单机械的分析中,对摩擦已知道得相当多了。

Such a complex machine as the diesel engine is simply a combination of simple machines.───象柴油机那样复杂的机器只不过是简单机械的组合。

Simple machines can be efficient, but complex adaptive machinery cannot be.───简单机械也许可以以是否有效来衡量,但复杂的自适应机制却不能。

Part of The Franklin Institute Online Website: An introductory explanation of simple machines and various launching points.───富兰克林学院的网站:关于简单的机械和各种各样的观点的介绍性的解释。

section of the exploring leonardo ' s website . vivid introduction to real world applications of simple machines and related inventions.───探索列昂纳多网站的章节。生动的介绍了现实世界中简单的机械和相关的发明。


The pulley is considered one of the five simple machines.

As indicated in the section on simple machines, a screw acts with a wedging action and consists of a circular cylinder(or truncated cone)with a helical groove in it.

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