

词汇 show your teeth
释义 show your teeth
show your teeth发音



grit your teeth───咬紧牙关(歌曲名,GritYourTeeth);咬紧牙关

gnash your teeth───咬牙切齿

grind your teeth───磨牙

show one's teeth───发怒

on your feet───在你的脚上

show your face───露出你的脸

show your hand───伸出你的手

to your feet───站起来

to grit your teeth───咬紧牙关


cannot bite, never show your teeth.───不能咬人就别龇牙。

Don't show your teeth unless you are prepared to fight.───如果你不准备打架,就不要张牙舞爪。

If you can't bite, never show your teeth.───要是你咬不了,就不要露出牙齿。

It's like catch flies, although so far a didn't also caught, but it in bed will show your teeth to make a catch flies movement.───他很喜欢抓苍蝇,虽然至今一只也没抓到,但他在睡觉的时候会张牙舞爪地做出抓苍蝇的动作。

MEANING: You show your teeth when you smile and when you bite, so they reflect how self-assured and assertive you feel.───解梦:微笑和咬东西时人会露出牙齿,因而它们象征着自信和自我肯定。

If you cannot bite, never show your teeth.───不能咬人就别龇牙。

So you do-you open your mouth and show your teeth.───所以你就张开你的嘴巴,露出牙齿。

We say anytime, anywhere, just show your teeth and strike the fear───我们说任何时间,任何地点,仅仅是展示你的牙齿和打击恐惧


Show your teeth in a firm but polite way - the thing you're afraid of will then become afraid of you.

If you cannot bite, never show your teeth

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