

词汇 shoo away
释义 shoo away
shoo away发音



shut away───隔绝;把…藏起来;关起来

slog away───苦干(非正式);努力学习(非正式)

stow away───偷乘;无票偷乘;收藏

shuts away───隔绝;把…藏起来;关起来

store away───v.贮存;储存;储备;收起来

stows away───偷乘;无票偷乘;收藏

throw away───扔掉,丢弃


police on duty tried to shoo away the crowd by using a loud-speaker.───我想过来看看,骚扰你一下,把你家门口的肉食动物赶走。

Then she called over her daughter and asked her to shoo away the bothersome bugs.───然后,她叫女儿过来,嘘开讨厌的苍蝇。

Now the men pull out what remains of the corpse--only a bloody skeleton--and shoo away the remaining birds.───现在那些男人拉出了尸体剩余的部分–只是一副血淋淋的骨架–来赶走其余的鸟。

Cheng Long: The series are somewhat like " shoo away the big gun of day " the series can be by often taking a sequel.───成龙:《火拼时速》系列有点像《轰天炮》系列,可以时不时就拍个续集出来。

"Yep, " the farmer said as he watched the trooper shoo away several flies.───“好吧,”老伯伯边说边看着这个警官在不停地驱赶着几只苍蝇。

Make sure you have a free hand even when you're carrying all your luggage, so you can shoo away those men or grab a pineapple for the road.───你需要确保拎着全部行李时还是能空出一只手来,这样你就能赶走那些讨厌鬼,或者路上带个菠萝什么的。


Soon there would be the little clutch of spectators, the curious children shooed away by the adults, the Press photographers.

We soothed fevered brows with cool hands and shooed away demons with a look.

The police on duty tried to shoo away the crowd by using a loud-speaker.

In the United States, volunteers are shooed away from spill cleanup, deemed too toxic for unprotected citizens.

He notes that his lawyers regularly shoo away concessionaires who use images of the Empire State Building without permission.

A greyhound cocked his leg against the table and was promptly shooed away.

First, they were shooed away from the main entrance.

Sentencedict.com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

Instead of spending money in town, soldiers now dig foxholes along lakes in parks and shoo away camera-toting visitors.

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