

词汇 sex appeal
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n.性感,吸引力; [俚语] 魅力



sex appeals───性感;吸引力

kerb appeal───路缘上诉

eye appeal───引人注目;吸引眼球;醒目

to appeal───上诉

kerb appeals───路缘上诉

eye appeals───引人注目;吸引眼球;醒目


customer appeal───客户诉求



So at least in these nonscientific studies, pheromones might increase sex appeal.───至少在这些非科学的研究中, 信息素有可能增进性的吸引力.

Your lip good sex appeal!───你的嘴唇好性感!

Her innocent sex appeal has made comparisons between Sandra and Hollywood princess Julia Roberts inescapable.───她的纯情女性形象使人难免把她同好莱坞公主朱利娅.罗伯茨相互比较.

Sex appeal act inside the supermarket!───超市里的性感一幕!

Rocket sex appeal cheering squad MM force dunk shot moment!───火箭性感啦啦队MM暴力扣篮瞬间!

You can play a heartless game using your intellect, charm and sex appeal to your advantage.───你可能会利用你的才智 、 魅力和性吸引来玩一场无情的感情游戏.

She still has the energy and sex appeal of a woman less than half her age.───她仍有着年纪比自己小一半多的年轻女人的精力和性感。

All she does is stand around oozing sex appeal.───她只能站在那装出性感模样.

Sex appeal is to want to appreciate with eye.───性感是要用眼睛欣赏的.

Train sleeping berth sex appeal young girl!───火车卧铺的性感少女!

Black pantyhose young married woman in guesthouse autodyne sex appeal silk stockings thigh's scenery!───黑色裤袜少妇在宾馆里自拍性感的丝袜腿部的风光!

She still has the energy and sex appeal of a woman less than half her age.───她仍然有着年纪比自己小一半还多的女人的精力和性感。

She oozes with sex appeal on any occasion.───她在任何场合都散发着性感魅力.

Marilyn Monroe captivated the world with her beauty, glamour, and unabashed sex appeal.───玛丽莲梦露用她的美丽, 魔魅和毫不加以掩饰的性感征服了整个世界.

Clean the precious net underwear shopkeeper auto heterodyne thinking that model sex appeal is lured!───淘宝网内衣店主自拍当模特性感诱惑!

Key: Transparent gauze nature skirt attire, even if is OL may also the sex appeal.───重点: 透明的纱质裙装, 即使是OL也可以性感.

His voice oozed with sex appeal.───他的声音充溢着性感。

Most of the time, in pursuit of the fantasy, the sex appeal is lost.───大多数的时候, 为了追求一种想象, 性的真正吸引之处却被忽略了.

He exudes sex appeal.───他浑身洋溢着性魅力。

Somehow , all this looked luxe and sophisticatedand in these clothes, the models radiated classy sex appeal.───所有这些,看上去都既奢华,又优雅——穿着它们的模特,散发着高雅又性感的吸引力.

So, all this play I've been getting is from pure sex appeal?───那这些投怀送抱的都是因为我的魅力?

Sex appeal is 50 % what you've got and 50 % what people think you've got.───性之所以具有吸引力,一半是因为你得到了,另一半是别人认为你得到了.

Also, against the woman's lips and chin, it brings out her sex appeal.───同时与妇女的唇、颚相映成趣, 在相互呼应中描绘女性的性感.


She still has the energy and sex appeal of a woman less than half her age.

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