settle for───无奈接受;勉强同意
settles for───无奈接受;勉强同意
settled on───选定;授与;停在
settled down───定居;安定下来;专心于
settling for───无奈接受;勉强同意
settle on───选定;授与;停在
settled in───v.迁入
settled up───付清;了结;结账
settles on───选定;授与;停在
The author has settled for a more academic approach.───该作者已经确定了一种更学术的方法。
These tenants have been settled for a long time and know how to persuade you - so don't give in!───这些住户已经居住了很长一段时间,知道该如何说服你-所以不要屈服!
I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, they would have none of it.───我走入了自己的迟暮之年,我不顾一切地进行最后一次尝试,决心要改变我的家人,我身边亲近的人。但,哎,他们也没有被我所改变。
On the whole, he was glad to have the matter settled for him by her refusing to take seriously his wish to invite M. Riviere.───总的说来,梅拒绝认真考虑他邀请里维埃先生吃饭的要求而使事情这样了结,他感到高兴。
Glittering house insignias were much in evidence, and those whose heritage did not grant such a display settled for enspelled jewelry.───闪耀的房间具有明显的炫耀成分,巫师的传统从来不会展示如此多的非魔法宝石。
He thought about what he could say and settled for this: "He did not like him. Lawrence was very friendly with young men. "───他想了想最后这样说,“我的祖父不喜欢他,劳伦斯对年轻男子很亲热。”
They settled for "someone with at least a second degree in economics" (which thankfully lets me off the hook).───他们最终勉强将其定义为“至少具有经济学硕士学位的人”(谢天谢地,我被排除在外了)。
Because oil now costs much less, many have had to write down the value of those contracts, even if they are not due to be settled for years.───因为现在石油价格锐减,即使这些合同还有几年才到期,很多公司不得不减少这些合同的账面价值。
They were doing decently , but ties were started to set apart when his Protoss partner decided to cross the border and settled for anew.───他们很融洽,但是当他那神族的同伴决定越过边界再定居时他们的关系就开始分离。
But he settled for the blackjack, and charged it to Visa.
The air settled for sundown, the house again putrid and airless.
Terri settled for riding shotgun up front with Robin and brooding darkly for the entire journey.
We settled for $ 14. 8 million.
The author has settled for a more academic approach.
In September 1926 he settled for what appeared to be the only remaining solution: escapism.
The case was settled for an undisclosed sum last year.
Teachers settled for a 4.2% pay rise with retrospective effect from 1 April.
She responded by winning the 400, but settled for second behind Brooke Bennett in the 800.