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词汇 seized up
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seize up───失灵;中止;(机器)卡住

seizes up───失灵;中止;(机器)卡住

sized up───v.打量;估计……的大小;判断;(使)符合要求或规格;评估

sealed up───密封住

seized on───抓住;占有

sewed up───赢了的(随意安排好了的,决定了的);退潮时船搁浅(涨潮时可以复浮)

sexed up───增加…的性感;渲染;吸引

suited up───穿上特种用途的全套服装

seize upon───抓住,利用


My stomach seized up like a clenched fist, and nausea rolled into me like a fever.───我的胃像捏紧的拳头一样痉挛,恶心像发烧一样涌上心头。

The engine has seized up and stopped.───机器卡住不动了。

First the money markets seized up, as Banks hoarded spare cash.───首先,由于银行囤积了备用金,货币市场停止运作。

Yes, share prices had been falling sharply across the globe, but the slide was orderly and the system had not seized up.───是的,全球股票价格一直在下跌,但是这种下滑是有序的,而这个系统还没有失灵。

When credit markets seized up in the fall, the ECB began offering banks unlimited loans at its policy rate for up to six months.───去年秋季信贷市场紧缩时,欧洲央行开始以政策利率向银行提供无限额贷款,贷款期限最长可达6个月。

In the depth of the crisis, as trade for a while seized up, the region, as one of the most trade-dependent in the world, saw growth plummet.───世界深陷金融危机时,随着贸易的短暂中止,这个世界上最依赖于贸易的地区之一的经济增长便出现了大幅下降。

Then her hips and knees seized up; some of her toes became gangrenous and had to be amputated.───接着,她的大腿和膝盖失灵;她的一些脚趾坏疽,不得不切除。

He noted the index had shown stability even after credit markets seized up in August.───他表示,尽管8月信贷危机爆发,该指数仍相对稳定。

Some models were still pointing to a tightening of policy right up to the summer of 2008, while the global financial system seized up.───直至2008年夏全球金融体系失灵之时,有些模型仍指向紧缩政策。


The fanfare seized up on its first chord and then seemed to fall over itself, collapsing in a welter of notes.

The washing machine totally seized up on Thursday.

The traffic had seized up for miles because of the roadworks.

The peace talks is being seized up.

At Zolder, Hunt's transmission seized up and he retired, while Niki scored another victory.

The mechanism had seized up.

Her brain, as usual, seemed to have seized up in Roman's overpowering company.

The car seized up yesterday.

The engine suddenly seized up.

  • seized movie




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