second base───二垒;二垒手职位
second mate───n.二副(商船上的)
second name───姓;第二名字
second papers───n.外国人入美国籍的正式申请书
second bases───二垒
second grade───二级
second mates───n.二副(商船上的)
Figure 5 shows what happens when I click the second page of the data.───图5显示了当我单击数据的第二页时发生的情况。
Then click “Next” to move onto the second page of the form.───然后单击“下一步”移动到表格的第二页。
He turned over the second page of the memo, saw how much longer it went on, and gave it up as a bad job.───他翻过备忘录的第二页,看到这已经继续多久了,然后像对待一个坏差使一样放弃它。
and programming the second data loaded onto the second page buffer into a second page while programming the first data into the first page.───以及在将第一数据编程到第一页中的同时,将加载到第二页缓冲器上的第二数据编程到第二页中。
Print out the "registration form" the second page, cover the company seal, signed by legal representatives.───在打印出的《登记表》第二页,盖公司公章、法人代表签字。
The second page of the wizard ( Figure 4) is the same page that you see at the end of the Web Application Models wizard.───向导的第二页(图4)是您在WebApplicationModels向导的末尾看到的同一页。
No additional work or fancy tricks would be required to access the outjected variables on a second page.───要在另一个页面中访问提取的变量,不需要额外的工作或特殊技巧。
Let's go back to your first page and a create a link to your second page.───我们回到第一个页面,创建一个到第二个页面的链接。
Second page Keep your memo to one page if at all possible.
This second page of the partnership proposal form gathers further information from you.
- second hand
- secondhand smoke
- second graders
- second floor
- secondaries exchanges
- second thought
- second self
- secondary consideration
- secondarily affected
- second way
- second love
- second page
- second moment
- secondary sources
- secondary product
- secondarily syn
- seconds clock
- secondary industry
- secondary source
- secondary data
- secondary school