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词汇 seasonal workers
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seasonal worker───[劳经]季节工

casual workers───散工;临时工

seasonal forecast───季节性预报

casual worker───散工;临时工

manual workers───体力劳动者

seasonal trend───季节性倾向

social workers───社会服务工

personal shoppers───购物顾问;顾客购物参谋

medical social workers───医学社会工作者


Farmers have always relied on seasonal workers to plough the fields and pick the crops.───农场主往往要请季节工耕地和摘绵花。

Rather than add seasonal workers, the company plans to ask its existing employees to put in more hours.───该公司并未准备招收季节性员工,而是计划在圣诞节期间安排现有员工加班。

Bauli hires lots of seasonal workers to work on dedicated production lines: up to 1,200 of them at peak times, more than its permanent staff of around 800.───生产,BAULI公司雇用了大量季节性工人,最多时超过1200人,而BAULI的固定员工,也就在800人左右。

The contract is also applicable to casual and seasonal workers with terms of less than a year.───企业招用一年以内的临时工、季节工,也应当签订劳动合同。

Farmers, who have political clout and a perpetual hunger for cheap labour, may be allowed to hire more seasonal workers.───有着一定政治影响力的农场主对廉价劳动力的渴求始终如一,他们可能被允许雇佣更多的季节工。

Lots of the seasonal workers at Toys R Us, for example, are parents who aren't interested in working there in 2012.───例如,许多玩具反斗城的圣诞节临时工都是为人父母的人,他们并不打算一直干到2012年以后。


Men who had been seasonal workers formerly began talking of going stone-gathering and ditching during the winter.

seasonal workers brought in to cope with the Christmas period.

The seasonal workers and outworkers do not receive the security or the minimal benefits that are available to regular workers.

For many seasonal workers, the biggest drawback can be the irregular hours and erratic schedules.

  • seasonal variation




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