shallow container───浅的容器
metal container───金属容器;金属集装箱
freezer container───冷藏集装箱
large container───大容器;大集装箱
freezer containers───冷冻容器
plastic container───塑料容器
belled captain───n.侍者领班,服务员领班
shipping container───船运集装箱
The computer disk is sent in a sealed container.───计算机软盘装在密封的盒里寄出.
Storage: Store in sealed container, place in a cool dry place.───贮藏:密封防潮,置阴凉干燥处保存。
the needle is disposed of in a special sealed container after the piercing───穿刺针在穿刺后会放入一个特殊密封容器中被妥善处理
Put a cup of raisins into the glass like a sealed container.───放入密封的容器一样一杯一杯葡萄干。
A water quality officer interprets the information and can instruct Cyclops to collect a sample of the discharge in a sealed container.
Place in a sealed container and shake well.
The sauce may be stored in a tightly sealed container without refrigeration.
Description:White crystalline lumps, soluble in water. It should be kept in a sealed container, as it is highly deliquescent.
In practice, spray containers are laid in a wire basket inside a sealed container.
Hazardous biochemicals, such as potential carcinogens, are to be carefully placed into a sealed container and stored in a fume hood prior to their disposal according to the institutional policy.
- sealed bags for freshness
- sealed in
- sealed bags
- sealed container
- sealed bid