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词汇 school years
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school year───学年

school meals───学校供给的饭菜(schoolmeal的名词复数)

school yard───校园

school yards───校园

school leavers───中学毕业生

school boards───学校上课的(schoolboard的名词复数)

school sharks───翅鲨

school bags───书包

school board───教育委员会;学校上课的


The law ended local school boards' authority to decide when their school years should start.───该法律终止了当地学校董事会决定学校开学时间的权利。

I had loved my high school years and always enjoyed seeing my classmates.───我很喜欢自己在高中的时光,总是喜爱看到同学们。

I have been put in all of his classes in case something happens there, though I graduated high school years ago.───尽管我几年前就已经从高中毕业了,我还是投入到他所有的课程中以防那儿发生什么事。

Many nights during my high school years, my dad sat down with me to help me with my math homework.───在我高中时光上的许多个晚上,我的爸爸和我坐在一起,辅导我做数学家庭作业。

While this was a memorable experience, it was what happened on the bus ride home that affected the rest of my high-school years.───这是一段难忘的经历,回来时在校车上发生的事影响了我后来几年的中学生活。

Tom said if he had to be a loner for the rest of his high school years , it was better than spending time with them.───汤姆说即使他不得不独自度过高中生活的剩余日子,也远比和这样一群人待在一起要好得多。起要好得多。

One of the biggest areas of homework frustration at my house, especially in the elementary school years, was the project.───做家庭作业时,遇到的最大问题就是项目管理,尤其是在孩子读小学的时候。

However there was distinct difference in participation motivations in terms of age, school years, and years of training. 3.───不同年龄层、就学阶段、学习年资的学员在消费动机则有差异。

Many awards followed through Eric's school years as he continued to find voice in visual clarity.───不少奖项,随后通过埃里克的学校里,他继续寻找声音的视觉清晰度。


Overall, my grade school years are something I'd rather forget and erase from history, but that doesn't keep me from enjoying Bad Machinery, which is mostly about British kids solving mysteries.

During the early school years, a child can begin to understand the physical basis for some of his feelings.

Like many children who are relatively weak in these skills, the elementary school years were hard for Louisa.

It stays together throughout the students' two junior high and four high school years at Thayer.

During the high school years, annual tutoring costs shoot up to 30, 000 yuan and the cost of activities doubles to 19, 200 yuan.

During my secondary school years I often liked to go to the recreation room to play table tennis.

I have few memories of my primary school years, but one thing I remember clearly is that my fourth grade teacher played the guitar and the squeeze box, and that he taught us this lullaby.

It is therefore extremely important that such a vital ability should at least begin to be taught during the school years.

They are particularly relevant to the visually handicapped child in the first school years in an integrated setting.

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