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词汇 abide in
释义 abide in
abide in发音




abide by───遵守;信守;承担…的后果

bade in───故意出最高价使某物落到自己手里

bid in───故意出最高价使某物落到自己手里

bids in───故意出最高价使某物落到自己手里

abided by───遵守;信守;承担…的后果

abides by───遵守;信守;承担…的后果

bidden in───故意出最高价使某物落到自己手里




The apostle says, " Let every one abide in the condition in which he is called. "───圣徒说, “ 人人都应该安分守已. ”

Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you.───然而我在肉身活着,为你们更是要紧的。

In that faith, abide in Him.───要在这样的信心里住在他里面.

Just continue to ride the beam, to abide in the experience you are having.───那麽,继续留在光明指引下吧, 安心待在此刻的体验中.

they said, Nay; but we will abide in the street all night.───他们说,不,我们要在街上过夜。

Jn. 15:4 Abide in Me and I in you.───约十五4你们要住在我里面,我也住在你们里面.

Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?───耶和华阿, 谁能寄居你的帐幕. 能能住在你的圣山.

They would abide in the summer house.───他们可以居住在夏宫.

Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God, and light and joy and peace abide in you.───你的清白本质有上主作担保, 而且光明、喜悦、平安都活在你内.

May joy and peace abide in us all.───愿我们大家都欢乐平安。

They against the light; they know not the ways thereof, nor abide in the paths thereof.───13又有人背弃光明, 不认识光明的道, 不住在光明的路上.


They would abide in the summer house.

They abide in a remote village.

The apostle says, " Let every one abide in the condition in which he is called. "

Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God, and light and joy and peace abide in you.

May joy and peace abide in us all.

It is emphasis on contravariance rule, covariance rule and closed-behavior rule that generic-special relation must abide in this paper.

You shall abide in my love.

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