

词汇 front page
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front pages───n.头版;标题版



front gate───[建]前门;大门


Front Range───前山

front brake───前刹车




He glances at the front page.───他扫视了一下头版.

The headlines about the earthquake screamed from the front page.───(报纸)头版登出了醒目的关于地震的标题.

The young player was on the front page of the sports section.───这位年轻选手出现在体育栏的头版.

Today all morning's newspapers carry the same story on their front page.───今天所有晨报的头版都刊登了同一个报道.

Yesterday Morning News front page news in this evoked a strong reaction from readers.───昨天晨报头版刊登的这一消息在读者中引起强烈反响.

Her photograph appeared on the front page of The New York Times.───她的照片登在了《纽约时报》的头版上。

Today's front page of The Sun carries a banner headline "The adulterer, the bungler and the joker."───《太阳报》今日头版大标题为《奸夫、笨蛋和小丑》。

page is devoted to the continuing saga of the hijack.───头版是对劫持事件的连续报道。

The story was given a prominent position on the front page.───这则报道刊登在头版的显著位置。

This overflowed into front page news all over the world.───这上了全世界的头条新闻.

Famous Harry Potter. Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page.───大名鼎鼎的哈里.波特, 连进个书店也能上头条.

To access your permissions, I would suggest uninstalling and then reinstalling your Front Page Extensions.───要访问您的权限, 我建议卸载,然后重新安装您的首页扩展.

All major newspapers in London carried the news on the front page.───伦敦各大报纸都在头版位置登载了这条消息.

The story is splashed across the front page of the newspaper.───这篇报道刊登在报纸头版显著位置.

Sandra is on the front page of this month's Latest Hits magazine.───桑德拉在本月《火爆流行》杂志的头版.

The way the front page is made up may need to be altered several times.───头版的版面编排有时需要更动好几次.

All the major dailies carried the story on the front page.───几家主要的日报均在头版刊登了这一消息.

The newspaper report was on the front page.───报纸的报导在头版.

The violence in the Gaza Strip makes the front page of most of the newspapers.───加沙地带的暴力事件成为大多数报纸的头版新闻。

The newspaper put a huge headline on the front page!───这样的标语上了报纸头版头条.

The Guardian's front page carries a photograph of the two foreign ministers.───《卫报》的头版刊登了两国外交部长的一张合影。

She was in the front page of that fashion magazine.───她出现在了那个时装杂志的头版.

Front page also bears the ability to preview and speed reading, number of sections.───头版还承担着预览和速读的功能, 稿件数量并不多.

Blue Nile should the location the testimonials and prominently display these the front page.───蓝色尼罗河应该将奖状链接移到比较醒目的位置上.

The government denied that they had SEXED UP the report to make the front page.───政府否认他们曾对报告动过手脚以获取新闻头版.

When First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton changed her hairstyle, it made the front page news.───第一夫人希拉里·罗德汉姆·克林顿改变发式, 成了头条新闻.

The front page is devoted to the continuing saga of the hijack.───头版是对劫持事件的连续报道。

The story made the front page in all the tabloids.───这件事成了所有小报的头版新闻。

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