abbr.St John; New Brunswick 新布伦瑞克的圣约翰(新德国中部一行政区); St Johns; Antigua 安提瓜岛圣约翰
Saint John───圣约翰市(加拿大不冻港口);圣约翰斯(加拿大城市)
Saint John's───圣约翰斯
faint sound───微弱的声音
faint hope───微弱的希望
paint bomb───油漆炸弹
paint gun───n.喷漆枪
The railway connects Saint John on the Atlantic coast to Vancouver on the Pacific coast.───这条铁路连接起了大西洋海岸的圣约翰和太平洋海岸的温哥华两市.
Lin studied for his bachelor's degree at Saint John's University in Shanghai, then received a half-scholarship to continue study for a doctoral degree at Harvard University.───林语堂在上海圣约翰大学获得学士学位,之后半免学费赴哈佛大学文学系留学攻读博士学位。
Termite tunnels scar a pair of tree trunks on Saint John island in the Virgin Islands.───白蚁挖隧道疤痕的一对树干在圣约翰岛之上在维尔京群岛。
ends with a 1519 portrait of King Francis I as Saint John the Baptist.───以1519年弗朗西斯一世施洗约翰造型的画像结束。
The railway connects Saint John on the Atlantic coast to Vancouver on the Pacific coast.
It ends with a 1519 portrait of King Francis I as Saint John the Baptist.
So opens the Gospel According to Saint John.
Ziplining was also thrilling – whizzing along cables suspended between pylons, in harnesses, high above frothing Reversing Falls at Saint John.
ACAP - SJ was created from the Federal Government's Green Plan of 1990. It is a broad based, non-profit organization for sustainable development of the Saint John Harbour and its estuaries.
I did not know Saint John, but the interview had been encouraging.
Why ask the taxpayers of Halifax or Saint John to subsidize a tourist attraction a thousand miles away?
It always a seeking target for Guangdong Saint John to let our enterprise well regularized and management well optimized.
Halifax, Point Tupper, Saint John.
- saint john
- sainted king of france
- sainted anon
- saint angelo
- saint jack
- saint catherine
- saint summer
- saint joan
- saint laurent