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词汇 judicial review
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judicial reviews───n.司法审查;复审

judicial murder───司法谋杀

judicial sale───法院判决的拍卖

judicial sales───法院判决的拍卖


judicial activism───司法能动

judicial enquiry───司法调查

judicial inquiry───司法调查

judicial murders───司法谋杀


The court ordered certiorari following judicial review, quashing the order made by the juvenile court.───在司法复审后,该法院命令调取案卷, 撤销了少年法院的裁决.

I introduce the Judicial Review in EC Law in first part of this thesis.───文章的第一部分介绍了欧共体的司法审查制度.

Persons aggrieved by refusal of an application can normally secure judicial review of the decision.───因申请遭到拒绝而受到侵害的人通常能够获得拒绝决定者的司法检查.

The mechanism of judicial review is the core of the pretrial detention system in modern nations.───司法审查机制是现代国家审前羁押制度的核心.

The case is subject to judicial review.───这个案子必须接受司法审查。

The judicial review of domestic courts is independent of the DSM of the WTO.───国内法院的反倾销司法审查与WTO的争端解决机制是相互独立的关系.

So It'should engage in the judicial review of the unlawful administrative procedure.───行政程序合法是行政行为合法的必备要件,因此,应对违法的行政程序进行司法审查.

The Supreme Court held that the plaintiffs were entitled to judicial review on this issue.───最高法院认为,原告有权要求就此问题进行司法复审.

The applicant seeks judicial review to quash the order.───申请人请示获得司法复审撤消命令.

After accession to WTO, the judicial review system in China will change.───加入WTO以后, 我国司法审查制度将发生重大变革.

He applied for judicial review to quash the order.───他申请司法检查废止该命令.

I analyze the theoretical basis of the Judicial Review in EC Law in the second part.───在第二部分中,主要分析了欧共体司法审查制度的法理学基础.

In Egypt, the Supreme Constitutional Court exercises the power of judicial review.───埃及的违宪审查属于专门机关审查模式, 由最高宪法法院行使违宪审查权.

Without judicial review, statutory limits would be naught but empty words.───没有司法审查, 法定权限将只是一句空话.

Judicial Review on Administrative Discretion with Improper Purposes.───论对行政裁量目的不适当的审查.

He applied for judicial review or for compensation or for an adjournment.───他申请复审或赔偿或休庭.

What Modern administrative law focuses on is judicial review of administrative discretion.───对行政自由裁量权进行司法审查是当代行政法关注的理论焦点所在.

Relevant rule of WTO judicial review is an important system.───WTO有关司法审查的规定是一项很重要的制度.

Parliamentary sovereignty contrasts with notions of judicial review, where a court may overturn legislation deemed unconstitutional.───议会主权与司法审查的观念背返, 因为法院可以认立法为违宪而将其撤销.

The applicant sought judicial review to quash the order.───申请人寻求司法复审以撤消命令.

This judicial review claim is struck out.───这一司法复审请求被驳回。

Judicial review should be administered by law courts.───司法审查应由法院来实施,法院有权对侦查主体是否适格、证据是否合法、程序是否正当等进行审查.

Only judicial review is the best and the final choice of supervision.───只有司法审查才是最佳、最终的监督选择.

Japanese judicial review system of constitutionality was transplanted in from the United States.───日本的违宪审查制度是从美国移植进去的.

Judicial Review to the Arbitration: Reviewing Fact or Reviewing Procedure?───司法对仲裁的监督: 实体审查还是程序审查?

Many federal environmental statutes provide specific standards for judicial review of agency actions under the statute.───许多联邦环境法令为本法令下的机构行为提供具体的司法审查标准.

The case law is very important in the Judicial Review in EC Law.───在欧共体的司法审查中,判例制度发挥了重要作用.

Supreme Court uses judicial review to protectjudiciary independence effectively.───美国最高法院的司法审查权的产生于汉密尔顿关于“解释法律是法院适当及特别的职责”的论述.

System for judicial review of the research has been the hot spots and focus on academics.───对于司法审查制度的研究一直是学术界的热点和重点.


The case is subject to judicial review.





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