rubber rooms───橡胶房
lumber room───杂物堆放室
rubber boot───胶靴;橡皮罩;橡胶套
lumber rooms───杂物堆放室
rubber boots───橡胶靴,消防胶靴
rubber goods───橡皮制品;防水服和胶靴
rubber ring───橡胶圈
rubber sole───橡胶鞋底;橡胶底
rubber rings───橡胶圈
In the baking room, should wear no fiber from work clothes, wearing rubber gloves, protective masks and respirators, spraying the paint on to wear so.───在烤漆房内,应当穿戴无纤维掉落的作业服,戴橡皮手套、防护面罩和呼吸器,在喷涂各道漆面时都要坚持这么的穿戴。
the middle of the room was an examining table with a rubber mat on top.───房间中间放了一张检查台,台子上有一个橡胶垫。
Mr. Peters, in goggles and spotless rubber gloves, declined to shake hands recently, just as a surgeon might on the way into the operator room.───Peters先生戴着护目镜和一尘不染的橡胶手套,还拒绝握手,就象是外科医生正在去手术室的路上一样。
Standard Specification for Slicone Rubber Room Temperature Vulcanizing Low Outgassing Materials───低释气性材料室温硫化硅酮橡胶的标准规范
Silicone Rubber Room Temperature Vulcanized Mould Based on Rapid Prototyping Technique───基于快速成型技术的双组分室温固化硅胶制模技术
- rubber gloves
- rubber soles
- rubbers 7
- rubber boat
- rubber seals
- rubbers the movie
- rubber stamp parliament
- rubber pad