

词汇 merchant ship
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merchant ships───商船

merchant shipping───商船队;商船运输

merchant bank───n.商人银行

merchant fees───交易手续费

merchant navy───商船队;全部商船队船员(等于merchantmarine)






A strong side wind caused the merchant ship to lie along.───一股强劲的侧风使商船朝一边倾斜.

Their merchant ship was reflagged last year.───他们的商船去年改变了注册国.

Before he became a pirate he was the captain of a merchant ship that was captured by the pirate Howel Davis.───成为海盗之前,他是一艘商船的船长,这艘船被海盗霍维尔·戴维斯所捕获。

The Endeavour was not a warship but an old merchant ship.───奋力号并不是一艘战舰,而一膄旧商船.

The ride was smooth until they got into the merchant ship's wake.───航行一直很顺利,直到他们碰上了商船的尾流。

This merchant ship was convoyed by a destroyer.───这艘商船由一驱逐舰护航.

board: British Royal Naval troops board the pirated Italian merchant ship to carry out the dramatic rescue───登船:英国皇家海军登上被劫持的意大利货船来实施这次惊人营救。

The merchant ship was just over 32 metres in length.───这艘商船有板有32米长.

The capacity of merchant ship in units of 100 cubic feet.───量劈柴的体积单位;合立方英尺.

The terrible pirates attacked a merchant ship again.───可怕的海盗再次攻击商船.

A lookout spotted what appeared to be an innocent merchant ship.───一名了望哨发现一艘看似合法的商船.

This merchant ship was convoyed by a destroyer.───这只商船由一艘驱逐舰护航。

A Greek merchant ship is making for the Panama Canal.───一艘希腊商船正向巴拿马运河驶去.

This is a merchant ship of 5,000 tons.───这是一条五千吨的商船.

The naval vessel escorted the merchant ship into port.───那艘海军船舰护送商船入港.

I've signed on a merchant ship so that I can work my passage to Australia.───我已受雇于一条商船,这样我能以做工抵作船费去澳大利亚了.


Two weeks ago an Anacreonian merchant ship came across a derelict battle cruiser of the old Imperial navy.

The terrible pirates attacked a merchant ship again.

Scharnhorst, taking Rawalpindi for an unarmed merchant ship, signalled her to heave to.

The naval vessel escorted the merchant ship into port.

The merchant ship was just over 32 metres in length.

A strong side wind caused the merchant ship to lie along.

Their merchant ship was reflagged last year.

This is a merchant ship of 5,000 tons.

This merchant ship was convoyed by a destroyer.

  • merchant of death
  • merchant name
  • merchant navy
  • merchantman ship
  • merchant prince
  • merchant account
  • merchant bank
  • merchantman pub




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