

词汇 merchant ships
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merchant ship───商船

merchant shipping───商船队;商船运输

merchant navies───商船队;全部商船队船员(等于merchantmarine)

merchant banks───商业银行(merchantbank的名词复数)

merchant fees───交易手续费



merchant services───商船;海运;海上贸易

merchant marines───(一个国家的)商船,商船队


Merchant ships salute each other by dipping the flag.───商船互相点旗致敬。

Just 15 countries control 80% of the world's merchant ships.───15个国家掌握了世界上80%的商船。

Navy recruited from men on merchant ships?───海军的人员是从商船的人员中征募的吗?

It was built up as a coal station for British merchant ships traveling to India, and its large natural harbor should make it a regional hub.───它是英国商船运往印度的煤碳中转站,它超大的天然海港理所当然的使之成为该地区的枢纽中心。

The office is urging merchant ships to stay at least 200 nautical miles off Somalia.───这个办公室敦促商船要与索马利海岸线保持至少200海哩的距离。

They can also be used to power warships, merchant ships and oil tankers, or to generate electricity in small gas-fired power stations.───这些引擎还可以用来驱动战舰,商船以及油轮,或者在小型煤气发电站中发电。

Embargo: a government order prohibiting the movement of merchant ships into or out of its ports.───封港令:政府下达的禁止商船进出港口的命令。

Their destination thereafter has yet to be revealed, though a number of mangled bodies did turn up on raided merchant ships.───他们随后的目的地不得而知,但在多艘遭劫商船上发现许多残缺的尸体。

Europe ' s merchant ships spew out around a third more carbon than aircraft do, and nobody is going after them.───欧洲商船排放的碳比飞机排放的要多三分之一左右,但是却没有人追究它们。


Destroyers escorted a convey of merchant ships.

Many of these were merchant ships from the Dutch East Indies Company and included the ships of Abel Tasman.

Merchant ships captured in war were often condemned.

"Special Role and Functions in Chinese Merchant Ships society-a survey on the management system with China special features" , theoretics and practice on Trade Unions , No. 1 , 2002 .

Merchant ships lie at anchor in front of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, Sept. 16, 1946. The ships tied up because of waterfront strikes.

On merchant ships the sailors work largely in darkness below decks because oil is a precious thing.

Merchant ships salute each other by dipping the flag.

The merchant ships coming and going between China and Batavia offered a convenient way for the peasants in Chinese southeast coastal areas to make a living in Batavia.

Some 22,500 foreign merchant ships passed through in 1992, a 10 percent increase on the previous year.

  • merchant of death
  • merchant name
  • merchant navy
  • merchantman ship
  • merchant prince
  • merchant account
  • merchant bank
  • merchantman pub




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